Thursday, May 17, 2012

Some Disturbing Facts...!

This morning I'm picking on McDonald's. No particular reason, except I don't like them!

Some fast food places are good, even McDonald's may be good...I don't know because I try and stay away from fast foods! Especially McDonald's! Wanna know why? Try this!

By GUS LUBIN, Business Insider
April 30, 2012

McDonald's just reported its first quarter financial results on April 20. The global fast food chain generated $6.54 billion during the period and delivered earnings per share of $1.23. Global comparable sales increased 7.3 percent.

1. McDonald's' daily customer traffic (62 million) is more than the population of Great Britain.

2. McDonald's sells more than 75 hamburgers every second.

3. McDonald's feeds 68 million people per day, that's about 1 percent of the world's population.

4. McDonald's' $27 billion in revenue makes it the 90th-largest economy in the world.

5. The $8.7 billion in revenue from franchise stores alone, makes McDonald's richer than Mongolia.

6. McDonald's hires around 1 million workers in the US every year. This estimate from Fast Food Nation assumes a 700,000 domestic workforce with 150% turnover rate.

7. McDonald's has 761,000 employees worldwide, that's more than the population of Luxembourg.

8. According to company estimates, one in every eight American workers has been employed by McDonald's.

9. Sharon Stone worked at McDonald's before she was famous. So did Shania Twain, Jay Leno, Rachel McAdams and Pink.

10. McDonald's is the world's largest distributor of toys, with one included in 20 percent of all sales.

11. For the next three years, McDonald's is going to open one restaurant every day in China.

12. The only place in the lower 48 that is more than 100 miles from a McDonald's is a barren plain in South Dakota.

13. Americans alone consume one billion pounds of beef at McDonald's in a year – five and a half million head of cattle.

I don't care how big they get, I still don't like them! Kinda like Wal-Mart, ya know?

Coffee on the patio this morning. Hope that's OK with everybody!


  1. I like Wendy's, and sometimes Jack in the Box. Lunch for less than two bucks is a good deal for my thin wallet.

  2. Wow, thats pretty big alright, who would have guessed the Ronald McDonald was a global entity ?

    My daughter's entire 4th grade class is taking a trip to Corpus Christi this morning (already on the road) to visit the USS Lexington and Texas Aquarium. What did she want for breakfast at 0 dark thirty in the morning ? McDonald's $1 sausage bisquit.

    I hope she has a great time.

  3. I wonder if they will give away their Chinese toys in China? Nah Chinese don't want their children poisoned. Ok off to get my egg McMuffin.


  4. We used to eat at Mickey D's a lot when we had money to "burn" not much fast food these days.

  5. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)May 17, 2012 at 7:28 AM

    Hate the food - but love their coffee! (But yours is the BEST)!

  6. But that ain't real food!!! If I gotta have a burger it's Wendy's or Whataburger. I Haven't been in a McD's in years and won't !!

  7. Those are some stats.
    But the one count for beef is hard to believe. I try to stay away and I am very good at it.

    Coffee on the patio sounds good to me.

  8. Wendy's is about the only fast food I'll eat too. I agree with you about McD's and Wal-Mart.

  9. Any and all fast food is junk food, if I want a burger, I go to my freezer and remove a pound of ground Venison. thaw it, then grill it on my outdoor grill. Most of my meat comes from the wild outdoors, not some poor animal that has been confined, shot up with God knows what type of growth hormones and antibiotics that we in turn consume.

  10. I hate their burgers, get coffee for free and other beverages now I am a senior..Wendy's is much better all beverages (here) are free for senior citizens, plus our only child worked at the one up the street they fellow who started with her owns about 10 of them, he always gets my spud, salad and throws in extras for my hubby who loves the burgers, onion rings and fries..treats us like we are related to him, even brings the food out to us to dine MacDonalds maybe the biggest fast food places but we rarely frequent them, to us their burgers taste like cardboard with the fixins thrown on them, my breakfasts are better to boot, I am an excellent cook..

  11. I hate their burgers, get coffee for free and other beverages now I am a senior..Wendy's is much better all beverages (here) are free for senior citizens, plus our only child worked at the one up the street they fellow who started with her owns about 10 of them, he always gets my spud, salad and throws in extras for my hubby who loves the burgers, onion rings and fries..treats us like we are related to him, even brings the food out to us to dine MacDonalds maybe the biggest fast food places but we rarely frequent them, to us their burgers taste like cardboard with the fixins thrown on them, my breakfasts are better to boot, I am an excellent cook..

  12. one billion pounds from five and a half million head!!!! didn't realize that the head of cattle had that much edible beef in them. :)

  13. Do you have any idea what the jobless rate and the state of the economy would be if both of them went out of business and put all those employees out of work? They are good for something.

  14. Where are all of these cows coming from? That's just crazy!
