Thursday, June 14, 2012

Don't Forget Flag Day...!

I know it's hard to keep track of all that's going on now day, what with school being out and Summer vacation right around the corner. However, there are some things that should always be remembered! Flag Day is certainly one of them!

The Flag is the very symbol of America and a beautiful reminder of our history. It reminds us of all the sacrifices, past and present, of those that give their all to ensure that the Flag continues to fly!

Flag Day (United States)

What we know fondly as the "Stars and Stripes" was adopted by the Continental Congress as the official American flag on June 14, 1777, in the midst of the Revolutionary War. Colonial troops fought under many different flags with various symbols and slogans--rattlesnakes, pine trees, and eagles; "Don't Tread on Me," "Liberty or Death," and "Conquer or Die," to name a few. The first flag had 13 stars on a blue field and 13 alternating red and white stripes for the 13 original colonies. Now there are 50 stars, one for each state in the Union, but the 13 stripes remain. Although many people believe that Betsy Ross designed and sewed the first flag, there is no proof of that. Flag Day was first celebrated in 1877, on the flag's 100th birthday.

While displaying the flag, please remember to handle it correctly...but I'm sure you all don't need to be told that!

I have fresh coffee and tea ready for the patio this morning. Care to join me?


  1. I'll run my Flag up the pole, just as soon as the sun rises.

  2. Our flag will go up presently. Coffee inside this morning here. White caps on the coffee. And that is with black coffee!

  3. Cheers for the heads-up, Mister Hermit, sir - I've been so busy around here I haven't had time to think, let alone remember Old Glory!

    Alas, I have no flag here at the Casa. There was one, but my ex had a nasty habit of leaving it out, and it got I gave it to the local scout troop to give it proper honors, and never replaced it (although I DID replace the ex). I DO have a little flag pin that I've kept since my brother went over to Saudi during Operation Desert Somethingorother way back in forever ago. I'll wear it today.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  4. I have my flags out for "Flag Day. Since I am a very patriotic person I have multiple flags around my yard and on my front door. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Thanks for the reminder. Things do get hectic this time of year.

  6. I have mine out as a matter of fact I bought a new one this year.

    I am ready for a refill and to sit with you.

  7. Hey Ben...
    I figured you would have a flag flying high on your flag pole this morning. Good for you!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey John...
    Must be pretty windy there, huh?

    The main thing are putting it up! That's a good thing!

    Thanks, my friend, for dropping by today!

    Hey K...
    I know how it is, sometimes life gets pretty hectic.

    If I lived closer. I'd buy you a new flag!

    Take care, and thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    I kinda figured you would have a couple of flags around your place!

    You have a nice day, and thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Yeah, it's easy to get caught up in everything and to run out of time.

    Have a great day and thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey JoJo...
    Good for you, sweetie! Nothing like a new flag flying!

    Refill coming up! Thanks for dropping by today!

  8. Our US flag is out every day, HJ but thanks for the reminder about its importance.

  9. Hey Beatrice...
    Good for you and your house, my friend!

    Many of us fly the flag daily, so obviously this was just a reminder for those that don't.

    Have a great day and thanks for the visit today!
