Monday, June 18, 2012

Let's Talk Gold Rushes...!

The California gold rush was NOT the first one, just the most famous.

You may not have ever heard of the previous gold rushes, but don't feel too badly because most other folks haven't either!

This topic could probably win you a prize in your local trivia contest! Then again, it may not. That all depends on how trivial things are in your neighborhood!

The California Gold Rush of 1849 wasn’t America’s first gold rush. It wasn’t even the second.

When young Conrad Reed found a large yellow rock in his father’s field in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, in 1799, he had no idea what it was. Neither did his father, John Reed. The family reportedly used it as a doorstop for several years, until a visiting jeweler recognized it as a 17-pound gold nugget. The rush was on. Eventually, Congress built the Charlotte Mint to cope with the sheer volume of gold dug up in North Carolina.

In 1828 gold was discovered in Georgia, leading to the nation’s second gold rush. Finally, in 1848, James Marshall struck it rich at Sutter’s Mill in California, and thousands of Forty-Niners moved west to seek their fortunes.

I'll be the first to admit that I did not know about these other gold discoveries. But even I don't know everything, no matter how often I think I do!

How about we have our coffee on the patio this morning? Pretty nice out so far!


  1. Wow! I didn't know they found gold in NC and in GA. Guess they only tell you about the California and Alaska gold rushes. Thanks for teaching me something new. A person is never too old to learn.

  2. James Marshall found gold it belonged to sutter .Marshall died broke after sevral failed claimes

  3. I belong to the G.P.A.A (Gold Prospectors Association of America ) and know of the first gold rush. That organization owns places all over the country and has one at Vein Mountain, NC and one at Loud Mine, GA. I have been to the the one at Stanton, AZ a couple of times and really enjoy the fellowship and working with a group and finding gold. A lot of fun, I highly recommend that organization.

  4. Great thing about blogs, you learn new things you didn't know before! Thanks for sharing...

  5. Didn't know about NC or GA. either.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Coffee on the patio sounds good before it gets to hot.

  6. Hey Linda...
    I try and learn something new every day! I love the web for that reason...makes it a lot easier to pick up on things I wasn't taught in school!

    Thanks for coming over this morning.

    Hey MadDog...
    I would imagine that a lot of folks died with unfulfilled dreams of riches from gold.

    Hey, thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I can remember when you posted pictures of one of your trips! Bet those trips are a lot of fun!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

    Hey Jeannie and Eldy...
    I'm glad to share when I find something new and interesting!

    I sure am glad you could come over this morning!

    Hey JoJo...
    Bet there are some mines not too far from where you are!

    Maybe it would be worth checking out! It would make an interesting trip some day!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by this morning!

  7. A 17 pound nugget for a door stop! I wonder what that little trinket would be worth today.
