Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our Friend Ben ...! Sad Update !

Most of you that are regulars here know about ol' Ben from his blog "An Older Texan Remembers!"

Another one of Ben's friends sent me a message that Ben was in the hospital and wasn't in very good shape. I don't know anymore yet, but from what I doesn't look good.

I want to ask anyone that can to say a prayer for our friend and fellow blogger! I will update if and when I find out anything new, OK?

I have fresh coffee on the patio and on the side, I'll share the Angel Biscuits...if there are any left! Please keep Ben in your prayers!


I'm sad to report that Ol' Ben passed away last night. I don't know all the particulars or when he will be laid to rest. I'll miss him, that's for sure!

Our blogging community has become just a little smaller and our hearts a little heavier with Ben's passing! I've always heard that dying is just a part of living and I guess that's true.

My heart goes out to Ben's family and to the rest of his friends!

Travel well, Buddy!


  1. Said a prayer for your friend, Ben.

  2. Hope he does better. Our fellow bloggers are friends I just haven't met yet. Ben's one of the good guys.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about Ben. I enjoy his posts. He'll be in my thoughts and prayers and I'm sure everyone who follows him will want to know how he's doing. Appreciate you keeping us posted.

  4. He will be really missed. I devoted my blog to him when I hear that he had passed away.

  5. Losing good friends is very hard. I lost one of my friends just resently and it really hurts.
    I send Ben's family and friends my deepest thoughts.

  6. He will be missed. May he and his family feel the comforting peace of the Good Lord.

  7. A bunch of us are next in line, that's just life on this rock. I sure hope no one wastes time praying for me.

  8. :(
    Ben will be missed, I enjoyed reading his comments here on your blog.

    My condolences go out to his family, friends and the blogging community. Rest In Peace, Ben in TX.

  9. I'm kinda saddend to hear of Bens death myself. I hav'nt really communicated with Ben at all but he still seemed that I knew him just from reading his comments on Jims blog, and I did spend alot of time reading his blog one day, quite some time ago. He was an interesting old boy and I got a few laughs.

  10. HJ, sorry to just be catching up and to learn about Ben. You are so right about bloggers being friends we've never met.

  11. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)June 24, 2012 at 7:16 AM

    So sorry to hear about Ben. He really will be missed by all his readers. Rest in peace Ben, you made life more interesting.

  12. I'm sorry to hear of his passing as well. I got a kick out of his short weather forecast and the day's activities. RIP sir.
