Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Surprise...!

Don't worry! We are still going to have our weekly cartoons, but first I wanted to show you something.

You know how I'm always saying "coffee on the patio?" Well, it dawned on me that not many of you have ever seen my patio! I figured that you might be more than a little curious about where we are going to sit. So, to dispel any doubts you might have, I'll show you we have more than enough room!

And another view...

See? Plenty of room! Now, on to the cartoons!

And one more to round out the day!

I hope everyone has a great day! Now, let's go get our coffee, OK?


  1. Nice place to have a cup or three,in the mornin'

  2. Hey JB...
    It is pretty nice, but it can get hot early in the afternoon!

    Always better with the company of friends, though! Ya know?

    I sure appreciate you coming by this morning!

  3. Really nice patio. The ferns are really looking happy. I have one on the front porch that is growing extra fast.

  4. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)June 10, 2012 at 3:48 AM

    Very, very nice!
    After I finish watching the 'toons,
    I get first dibs on the swing - what a great place to sit and chat
    (with a cup of coffee, of course)!

  5. Looks comfortable, but make mine tea, please!

  6. Thank you for showing us. Did wonder what it looked like. Raining here, will try to send some your way.

  7. I love the porch swing. My grandparents had swings and I spent most of my youth swinging (on the swings, that is). Loved them. Even slept on them a few times. Just seeing that swing has brought back a lot of memories, thanks for showing us your patio. It is beautiful.

  8. Hey Jmd...
    Those on the patio are 3 years old. I've never had any last that long!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    That swing is a fairly new one...only a year old! Doesn't look like it, but I like the weathered look.

    It will sit 2 friends or 3 really close friends! Know what I mean?

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Gorges...
    Tea coming up! I have several kinds on hand for those that don't drink coffee.

    Glad to have you drop in today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I'm glad you liked the patio and I would appreciate the rain if you want to share!

    Thanks for dropping by today.

    Hey Dizzy...
    Seems like when we were kids, nearly everyone of my cousins had swings on the front porch!

    Some even had this kind in the back, hanging from trees!

    Those porch swings can hold a lot of memories, that's for sure!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  9. Nice patio! Mine is filled with pots, plants and soil at the moment so I can't use mine :-)

    I love these cartoons!

    Have a great day!

  10. Very nice patio! No wonder I enjoy coffee on your patio so much. I have "dibs" on the porch swing! :)

  11. Hey Christer...
    Mine isn't cleaned up right now, but I use it every day. I like sitting out there and watching the birds at the bird bath!

    Hey, thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    That swing is gonna get sort of crowded in a bit! Maybe I should put in another one!

    I'm sure glad you could drop by today!

  12. Ooh, nice patio!! I love all the flowers and plants! I'll take tea also please. ;)

  13. The patio looks beautiful so much has been done with it.
    And the coffee is wonderful too.

  14. It's JUST as nice as i imagined!]
    Your ferns are some Happy company... Ours is 18yrs old this month..didn't like the move to the desert..i'll send it on over for tea with Yours:))That should green it up a bit..aye?
    Thanks for the View.

  15. Hey Anne...
    It looks a lot better when the leaves are blown off it, but it is comfortable!

    Another pot of tea coming up!

    Thanks, my friend, for dropping in today!

    Hey JoJo
    Glad you like it, sweetie!

    Thanks for coming over for a cup!

  16. Hey Kare...
    Wow! 18 years? That's pretty good!

    More the merrier on the plants...after all, they like the company too!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  17. I just LOVE the music of those old cartoons!

  18. Hey Kellie...
    Sometimes I think the music and the sound effects made the old cartoons!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  19. Thanks for sharing the pics of the patio. It is every bit as charming as I imagined it to be.

    Have a great day!

  20. Hey Felinae...
    I sure am glad it feels comfortable to ya.

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by to visit!
