Monday, July 16, 2012

How About A Field Trip For Mystery Monday...?

Since we have been doing mysteries on Monday, I have a great one today!

Again, this one is not a run of the mill mystery but a real historical place that we could visit...if we wanted to! However, given it's history I think we might want to consider it very carefully before we venture forth! Ya think?

Valley of the Headless Men

In the Nahanni National Park of Northwest Canada lies the Nahanni River. The area is only accessible by boat or plane and is home to many natural wonders, such as sinkholes, geysers and a waterfall almost double the size of Niagara Falls. Lord Tweeds Muir (John Buchan), author of The 39 Steps, once said of the valley: “It’s a fancy place that old-timers dream about. … Some said the “valley was full of gold and some said it was hot as hell owing to the warm springs. … It had a wicked name too, for at least a dozen folks went in and never came out’ … Indians said it was the home of devils.”

The 200 Mile gorge has become infamous, due to a number of gruesome deaths and many disappearances, earning itself the eerie name, The Valley of the Headless Men. Anomalies first began in 1908, when the Macleod Brothers came prospecting for gold in the valley. Nothing was heard or seen of the brothers for a whole year, until their decapitated bodies were found near a river. Nine years later, the Swiss prospector Martin Jorgenson was next to succumb to the Valley, when his headless corpse was found. In 1945, a miner from Ontario was found in his sleeping bag with his head cut from his shoulders. While skeptics of an unknown power at work in the Valley would put the grizzly mutilations down to feuding gold prospectors or hostile Indians, there are other strange happenings in the area which add to the valleys mysteriousness. The fiercely renowned Naha tribe simply vanished from the area a few years prior to the first deaths. Other Indians of the area have avoided the Valley for centuries, claiming an unknown evil haunts it. Many parts of the valley remain unexplored, and there are tales the Valley holds an entrance to the Hollow earth. Others believe the Valley is home to a lost world, with lush greenery and a tropical climate, due to the hot springs generating warm air, as well as untapped goldmines and wandering sasquatches. While a haven for Bigfoot remains unlikely, one thing is for certain, something strange lurks in the Nahanni Valley.

A real mystery from a real place! How good does it get for those of us that like a really good mystery?

I think we can have our coffee out on the patio again this morning! Got some fudge brownies this morning!


  1. As much as I love a mystery, I also like my head right where it's at. Won't be going there anytime soon.

  2. Some of those other mysteries at the site where this story came from are pretty intriguing too! Like...holy cats, dead Tibetan monks in SS uniforms at the fall of Berlin? I've BEEN in Berlin and never heard that one!

  3. Bubba -
    I love a good mystrey and I love travel, but I think I'll pass on this one! Shangri-La might be hiding in there,but you can't see it very well with no head attached! But, I love hearing about places like this - keep up the good work!

    Big hug -

  4. Great mystery this morning. Just saw one yesterday on NatGeo about a headless camel rider in the SouthWest. Looks like a beautiful place to visit but I will pass on this one - Would like to "see" where I visit. Coffee and brownies sound good. Save me a spot on the swing.

  5. Love this one. Good find my friend.

    I'll take a refill and a brownie Please.

  6. I would love to go there and explore, but I can't get my RV in there. Hey, that is the best excuse I have.

  7. Leave it to you, H.J., to find such an interesting tidbit to share with us. Simply fascinating! Make more coffee, please - we have gone from the high 90's last week to the low 40's this morning and I am cold!

  8. i think i visited there once...
    ..been mindless ever since!]]hahaha.

    Thanks for the new mystery..
    Will you toss my head this way if it turns Up?

  9. Hey Sixbears...
    I'm with you! My head may not be much, but it's the only one I've got!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Labyrs...
    You could spend a month reading everything available at and find something new each and every day! That's one reason I like the place so much!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    I would want a lot of folks around me if I went! Bound to be a better looking head in a crowd for them to choose from, ya think?

    Many thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    How in the world did I miss that one? I like the NatGeo station because of some of the interesting programs they have!

    What state was that in? Not Texas, I hope!

    Thanks for coming by, my friend!

    Hey JoJo...
    Glad you liked it, sweetie!

    Plenty of brownies left today. Guess I'll be forced to eat all the left overs! Too bad (not!)

    I sure appreciate you coming over today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Sure makes sense to me! Can I ride with you? I'd feel safer if I was around the dogs!

    When is the next road trip? I need to see some pictures of far away places...maybe as far away as Galveston!

    Thanks, buddy, for taking the time to visit!

    Hey 2Tramps...
    What in the world is going on with your weather? Down to the 40's? That's just crazy!

    I guess it's a side effect of global warming!

    Thanks for coming by for a cup this morning!

    Hey Kare...
    Now that's as good excuse as I've heard! I might have to use it sometimes!

    Hey, if I find an extra head on the patio I'll send it right over!

    I really appreciate you dropping in today!

  10. Obviously I will need to cross this place off my places to travel to.

  11. must be the most well thought out solution i have ever heard of
