Friday, July 6, 2012

Let's Go Tripping This Friday...!

Have you ever noticed that Mother Nature comes up with many, many beautiful places for us to wonder at?

Way too often, though, these places are not close enough for most of us to visit! Here is one that is fairly close, considering. Man, from the pictures I've seen this place is pretty amazing!

Fly Geyser Reno

Fly Geyser was accidentally created in 1916 while drilling a well for water, though they didn’t start forming until 1960. The spot picked had an unknown geothermal area. The heated water eventually found a weak spot in the well and pushed itself to the surface. The minerals started building up to create a mini volcano of about 5 ft. tall, with layers of terraces. The terraces have different colors from the minerals in the water and the geothermal water has found more weak spots to create two more geysers nearby. The water spouts continuously and fills holes and hollows in the terraces, to give the area a surreal look. Water where there isn’t much water to begin with has attracted swans, ducks, and other animals to the area. Fish also swim through the ponds, introduced by an unknown human dropping the eggs in the water.

Let's have our coffee out on the patio this morning! We have a couple of new folks joining us and that's always a nice thing! Welcome to all our new friends!


  1. what do ya know,,, man can do something right once in a while even if only by accident. :)

  2. Hey Griper...
    Often the nicest things come about mainly by accident! This one sure is pretty!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Phyllis (N/W Jersesy)July 6, 2012 at 4:29 AM

    Just had to look this one up! You Tube has some great video for all to see. Always learning something new, thanks to you Mr. Hermit!
    Going to be another hot one today! I'll bring some fresh raisin cookies.

  4. The world is full of wonders. That's why I travel.

  5. That looks like a scene out of the Edgar Rice Burroughs books of John Carter of Mars. Very cool! I've never seen or heard of that before - thanks HermitJim!

  6. If I hadn't read the blog first I would have thought this was a picture from some distant planet. How incredibly beautiful. Always nice to have some new people joining us for coffee.

  7. A fabulous sight! Let's all take a trip together; won't that be fun?
    Thanks to Phyllis, I'll view the videos. Hermit, you do us good. Thanks, guy.

  8. That is awesome. I will head over to You Tube after we have out coffee.
    Thanks for finding this for us.

  9. Will have to add that to my bucket list of places to see.

  10. Hey Phyllis...
    Isn't it great to find new places? Most I look at are in another country, but surprisingly this is in Nevada!

    Thanks for calling our attention to the YouTube video and for coming by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Just never know what you may come across down the road!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 5:41...
    I had never heard of it until I did some research for unusual places!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    It does look almost other-worldly, doesn't it?

    Nature sure can offer up some surprises!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sissy...
    I'll bet that if we all took a trip together, it would never get dull!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Always my pleasure to share what little bit of knowledge I can garner! Glad you liked it!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I figured you might have already seen it in some of your travels!

    If you happen to go there, be sure to grab some pictures to share!

    Thanks for coming by today, buddy!

  11. Hey SFS...
    It really is nice to look at and easy on the eyes!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!
