Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Myth Mystery...!

Since we have started using Monday for some kind of mystery, I found an old one for today!

True it's kind of old, but I think it still qualifies. After all, the age of the mystery doesn't make it any less mysterious, does it? Besides, this story has an unbeatable strangeness to it, and that fits in just fine here at the Hermit's!

Spring Heeled Jack

A man was returning home one night in London in 1837, and saw a strange figure jump over the fence of a cemetery and land in front of him. He also reported to the police that the figure had a strange look to him. He had pointed ears, a long nose, and glowing eyes. Several months later, a young woman was attacked by a strange creature in an alley. He gripped her arms and tried to kiss her. She reported his hands were cold and clammy. The woman screamed, and the man ran off. Many people heard her screaming and came to the rescue, but nothing out of the ordinary was found. 

This story grew as it spread. It eventually turned into another ending: the man ran in front of a carriage and jumped over a 9 foot fall fence. The mayor didn’t take the stories seriously, and assured everyone if it was anything, it was just a man who would be caught. Another girl reported a creature fitting the description came into her house and attacked her. Many, many more people reported being attacked by Spring Heeled Jack (the name given to the creature), but the legend eventually turned into a myth.

I'm not sure, but I think this guy might live in my neighborhood! Might even be one of my neighbors, ya know?

Let's have some fresh coffee on the patio this morning. All I have to share is a few fig newtons...if that's alright!


  1. Georgie Porgie, Puddin' and Pie,
    Kissed the girls and made them cry,
    When the boys came out to play
    Georgie Porgie ran away.

  2. I love these mysteries and wonder what's really behind this one.

  3. Very interesting mystery this morning. Wonder what ever became of this guy. Coffee on the patio sounds good as it has finally cooled off a little here.

  4. I bet the guy walking past the cemetery was loaded and thought something jumped over the fence, and it grew from there. haha just my 2 cents.
    Coffee on the patio sounds good. I'll bring something to add to our snack.

  5. Hey Gorges...
    I wonder just where that saying came from? Guess I'll have to do some more research and see if I can locate the origin!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Often the origin is the most interesting part! Something had to start the whole thing, right?

    So much to find out and so little time!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Glad it's finally cooling down for you a tad. Been pretty hot all over!

    Glad you liked the mystery this morning...and that you could come by!

    Hey JoJo...
    That probably had a lot to do with it! Those stories can sometimes get out of hand!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  6. You would be surprised, they make shoes that have springs in them so you can jump higher. Maybe this guy was the inventor and was just trying them out in the real world. Yeh, right.

  7. Why do all the mysteries have to be about men ? Can't women be dark and mysterious, ((((grin)))) ?

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    Sounds as good as anything folks have come up with!

    But what about the eyes and the ears?

    Hey, I appreciate you coming by today, buddy!

    Hey Bob...
    Believe me, after several marriages I can say from experience that there are plenty of dark and mysterious women out there!

    Trouble is, only a crazy person would take a chance of writing about them, ya know? A woman scorned and all that!

    Thanks, Bob, for coming by today!

  9. I bet the guy tried to grow peppers and went nuts. Just saying

  10. Fig newtons and coffee are a great combo, HJ. Never heard this myth before but at first was thinking Jack the Ripper aside from the headline that I read first.
