Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday Matinee Like The Old Days...!

Saturday always reminds me of the days when, as a kid, we looked forward to the Saturday Matinee.

On television we had the weekly cowboy shows and at the theater we had everyone else! Of course, the serials were the best. Remember them? Only trouble was, you had to come back time and time again to see how they turned out!

This song is a little reminder of those days!

Hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane! Nice trip once in a while, don't ya think?

Coffee out on the patio this morning, I think. It may rain later, but right now it's dry!


  1. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)July 14, 2012 at 5:34 AM

    Ah, Randolph Scott and cowboy movies - all day long for only a quarter.
    (and ten cents for the bus ride to get you downtown ) Let's have a contest and see if you can remember the names of their horses. The winner gets extra cookies!

  2. Some of these I remember well. I was madly in love with Roy Rogers I guess I was about 5.

    Coffee out on the patio sounds nice.

  3. We never had those serials here and never cartoons before the main film, we had commercials :-) We didn't have commercials on tv back then, that came around 15 years ago here so those were really popular to watch at the cinema :-)
    If anyone came late they'd better walk in quiet or they didn't walk in at all :-) Strange how things can change, no one cares about those any longer :-)

    Have a great day!

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    I'd lose out with the remembering the horses names! The only one I remember was Trigger!

    Lots of fun for the money back then!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    I think my Sister had a crush on Roy as well!

    We may have to move inside, because it looks like the rain is moving back in!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

    Hey Christer...
    Funny to think about commercials at the movies!

    It would be nice if we didn't have so many commercials on television, but we do have a LOT!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

  5. We lived out in the country so we didn't go to the movies very often.
    We did have TV and watched Sky King, Fury,Howdy Dowdy,and the normal things kids watched on TV.

  6. Hey Jim...
    The only time I got to go very much was when we went to our family reunion in Georgetown, Texas!

    All my cousins and I would walk into town and go to the old theater there! Sure was a lot of fun!

    Sky King was a good show, mainly because we had the same last name!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  7. You can not remember Trigger with out remembering Champ.Back when I was a kid all we had was radio an the movies.cost 12 cents to get in for the Saturday matinee.
