Friday, August 10, 2012

Again, It's Travel Friday...!

As hot as it's been for most of us lately, today I want to go some place to cool off.

Notice I didn't say anything about cold, but just cool. I don't do cold very well. This place looks like a good place to spend a night or two, I think. It has an interesting history as well! In fact, a lot of you might have been here at one time or another!

Crater Lake

Crater Lake is a beautiful caldera lake found in South-central Oregon State, USA. It has a stunning deep blue color and brilliant water clarity, and forms the main feature in Crater Lake National Park. The lake has almost no signs of pollution, and is one of the purest bodies of water in the States, with a record clarity of 43.3 meters. The lake was formed about 7,700 years ago when volcano Mount Mazama, fell into the caldera beneath it. It is believed that the Native American Klamath tribe saw Mount Mazama fall and the formation of Crater Lake. Their legends and stories tell of a great battle between the sky god, Skell and Llao, the god of the underworld. The Mountain was destroyed during the battle and the lake was created. The Klamath people used the lake for vision quests, and the lake is still held in high spiritual regard by the tribe. The lake is also known for the “old man of the lake”, which is a full tree, now a stump, which has been bobbing around, vertically, in the lake for over a century. It has been very well preserved due the cold water inside the lake.

Very nice looking place, isn't it? I'd sure like to go there for a visit if nothing else! Gotta be cooler than here in Houston, ya know?

Fresh coffee on the patio this morning. How about some fresh baked bread from yesterday, along with some apple jalapeno jelly from Old Farmer's Almanac?


  1. When I was a kid, I'd drool over the beauty of the place, as shown in National Geographic, and want to go there. I never made it.

  2. Hey Gorges...
    I haven't made it there either...yet!

    Certainly is a beautiful place!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  3. Crater Lake is very beautiful. Last time we went there was about 15 years ago and now we are aiming to revisit the Grand Canyon. Because of the heat we will probably not make it this year.

    I will bring the strawberry freezer jam if you will save me some of the bread.

  4. We finally made it this May. Much like in your pix we had to walk on the snow to be able to take pix. Most of the rim road was still closed because of snow. They get on average 44 feet each year!

  5. Hey Bubba -

    Let's load Mom up and head out! We should make it in about 4 days, huh? That's ok though, 'cause you're retired!

    Love to see it sometime, myself. Not this year, though....

  6. I would also love to see this. So many bloggers have posted pictures of this absolutley beautiful lake.

  7. Hey JMD...
    I'd like to go, but circumstances keep me here at home.

    Freezer jam works for me!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Garry...
    Glad you made it before it got too hot!

    The snow looks beautiful, and I'm not even a snow person!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    It is a pretty place, isn't it?

    Glad you liked it, and very happy you could come over this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    Just another one of those places I'll never see!

    That list sure does seem to be getting bigger!

    Be careful on your trip and thanks, Sis, for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Guess you will have to pack up the RV and hit the road!

    Many folks have been there and all say it is great for pictures!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by this morning!

  8. I have a picture somewhere of the "Old Man" I took about 30 years ago. Looks the same today as then, probably will be around for ever.

  9. Hey Bob...
    You're probably right about the "Old Man" lasting a very long time! After all, it's made it this long!

    Hey, thanks for dropping in today!

  10. NOW is the time to Go visit... unless you WANT to see snow..
    the roads are clear of course & the Lodge is Lovely!

    i used to live close...we'd go there for the cool beauty in Summer.

    i don't like driving snowey roads :p
    Snow: to me, is now a four letter word!<
    i just don't appreciate it anymore.
    Why we live in the dezert now.

    Thanks for the Chills Mr. Hermit!

    Xtra Hot coffee please!
