Sunday, August 19, 2012

Happy Sunday...!

Ready for some grins this morning? I hope so!

Today we are going to stay with our old friends,Wiley Coyote and the Roadrunner! I don't know why, but these guys are favorites with a lot of folks! My Dad, bless his heart, used to laugh out loud at these cartoons!

I can't help it! I want another one!

Well, I do hope that I've helped to start your week on a good note. Waking up is a good thing, waking up and smiling is even better! Happy Sunday, everyone!

Coffee in the kitchen again today. We did get some rain yesterday and maybe we'll get some more today! I'll take whatever we can get!


  1. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)August 19, 2012 at 6:02 AM

    Poor Roadrunner! He tries soooo hard!
    Coffee in the kitchen is fine - how 'bout I bring some eggs from my girls? You will never buy store ones again!

  2. Hey Phyllis...
    I think you mean that the coyote tries so hard!

    Fresh eggs are always a treat, my friend! I love 'em!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  3. Have to admire Wiley for his persistence. Love those toons

    We had a good rain late yesterday again. You know I don't mind coffee in your kitchen.

  4. Hey JoJo...
    Just goes to show that we should never give up!

    I kinda get a kick out of them myself!

    Sharing coffee in the kitchen with friends is a good way to start the day! Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  5. Old Phyllis (N/W Jersey)August 19, 2012 at 10:33 AM

    You're right Mr. Hermit - just had ANOTHER senior moment.....(sigh)

  6. Hey Phyllis...
    Don't feel badly! I seem to have those more and more all the time as of late!

    Guess it happens to all of us, huh?

  7. I just put a fresh pot on. Come join us...
