Sunday, August 26, 2012

Meet Buddy, The New Roomie...!

It's now official! I have a new "roomie!"

Little bitty guy, but he will get bigger when he grows a bit. He came to me at 3 months old with a name of Shadow, but we decided to call him Buddy instead! He seems to like that OK!

Here is the first picture of him. Sorry for the blurry picture, but I took it with my phone. I'm sure that many more will follow.

Don't worry! I didn't forget the 'toons! After all, it is Sunday, right?

And here is another one from 1944! That's the year I was born, ya know?

Guess it's true...they sure don't make 'em like they used to!

That's all I have for today. Buddy and I will see ya again tomorrow!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Raining again outside, thanks to the storms out in the Gulf.


  1. Hey Lady Hawthorne...
    Thanks! He thinks so, too!

    Stays right with me all the time!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  2. Buddy is a beauty!

    Long time since I last saw Popeye :-)

    Have a great day!

  3. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)August 26, 2012 at 6:11 AM

    He is soooo cute! We sure do want to see more pics of the little feller!
    The best cartoons were made back then. (I'm a 'war baby' too)
    Coffee in the kitchen is fine. I'll bring some cheese cake today and a new toy for Buddy!

  4. Congratulations on your new roomie!

  5. Since he stays right with you, "Buddy" is the perfect name. It is great to have a buddy around.

  6. It looks like Buddy adopted you right away. He is a handsome cat.

  7. What a good looking fellow he is. I think you'll really enjoy him and he you. '44 was a good year.

  8. T taught a taw a puddy tat .... I DID, I DID - I did thee a puddy tat!

    Hope the new roomie and you get used to each other.

  9. What a face. Have fun with Buddy. :)

  10. Hey Christer...
    He is sort of good looking, but don't tell him I said so!

    Glad you liked the 'toons today! Thanks, my friend, for coming over this morning!

    Hey Phyllis...
    It does seem to me that the best cartoons were made in the 40's and 50's! It was almost an art form back then.

    Cheese cake always sounds good to me!

    Thanks for your visit!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Thanks, my friend. Nice to have company around.

    Many thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I think the name fits him pretty good! One thing about it, he stays right with me if I move around!

    I appreciate the visit this morning, buddy!

    Hey Aggie...
    To tell the truth, I think he is already a little spoiled!

    Thanks so much for coming over!

    Hey Momlady...
    To tell the truth, I think we make a pretty good team! Seems like we get along good so far!

    Wish I had about half his energy!

    Thank you for coming for a visit this morning!

    Hey Anon 10:02...
    Didn't take us long to het to know one another.

    He is still exploring his new home!

    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey JoJo...
    He does have an interesting face, doesn't he?

    All in all, his coloring is very nice.Looks a great deal like a Siamese.

    Fun will be had, sweetie! I guarantee it!

    Thanks so much for coming over!

  11. Welcome home to Hermit's House Buddy! He is cute like his companion!

  12. Everyone needs their own Buddy. I am glad you have yours! Congratulations to you both.

  13. Congrats on your new friend. That's one lucky cat.

  14. Hey Catman...
    I'll be sure and tell him, my friend! I think he feels pretty comfortable already!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Treesong...
    Thanks for the kind words! I think he'll make a very good companion!

    Thanks for coming by, Tree!

    Hey Michael... Believe me, I'm glad to have a bud again!

    I appreciate you dropping by today!

    Hey Sharon...
    That's what I keep telling him! Guess he and I are both lucky!

    Many thanks for coming over today!

  15. It's been a long time since we had a young cat. The last one stole socks and ran through the house wildly. lol I am sure you will have many smiles with buddy!

  16. Aww...Buddy is a handsome little guy. Congrats on bringing him into your life. :)


  17. Hey JMD...
    That pretty much describes Buddy's actions. Especially the running through the house!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Felinae...
    He does seem to impress the ladies so far!

    I think I'm lucky to have him living here!

    Thanks so much, my friend, for coming over today!

  18. Just catching up on some blogs, HJ, and so glad to meet and rread about your new little (for now) housemate, Buddy. New pets never replace former ones, but we learn to care for and love them ion the same way. Seems you have both found each other and that's great.

  19. Bubba -

    I'm delighted to meet Buddy, and so glad you have a new friend. Look forward to getting to know him more next weekend! Nice to see you smile again, and have some one to "tell your troubles to". Cats are always good listeners, aren't they?

    Big hugs to you both -
