Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Is For Mystery...!

It's actually quite a bit of fun trying to find a new mystery for Monday! I learn a lot!

The main thing I've learned in all the searches I've done, is that there will always be a mystery or two that we haven't solved yet! That in itself makes the study even more fun. Just wondering what's around the next corner, ya know?

The London hammer – a tool older than history

The next is of the wood turning to coal...

In June 1936 (or 1934 according to some accounts), Max Hahn and his wife Emma were on a walk when they noticed a rock with wood protruding from its core. They decided to take the oddity home and later cracked it open with a hammer and a chisel. Ironically, what they found within seemed to be an archaic hammer of sorts. A team of archaeologists checked it, and as it turns out, the rock encasing the hammer was dated back more than 400 million year; the hammer itself turned out to be more than 500 million years old. Additionally, a section of the handle has begun the transformation to coal. Creationists, of course, were all over this. The hammer’s head, made of more than 96% iron, is far more pure than anything nature could have achieved without an assist from modern technology.

How's that for something to ponder over this week? Certainly will give the ol' grey matter a workout, don't ya think?

Let's have our coffee on the patio this morning. It's dry and just a little hot, but we won't melt (I hope!).


  1. Yeah, and a prehistoric amoeba stuck that handle in it too. And the missing link keeps needing to be older and older. Aliens! Aliens did it! (They've got that evolution thing backwards anyway, MONKEYS are descended from MAN!)

  2. Good thinking Gorges. Great Monday mystery!

  3. Wow, now you have my head a spinning and I am getting a little Dizzy. Where do you find all these interesting things? Great blog Jim, keep it up.

  4. Just wait until Thor comes back for his hammer.

  5. Great mystery and great comments to go along with it.
    I don't know how much of this one I agree about the age.

    But we can ponder this over coffee on the patio.

  6. Hey Gorges...
    I reckon that there are indeed things we are just not supposed to know!

    Probably more fun if we DON'T know and can continue to guess!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Isn't it fun to think about all the strange things?

    Someone seems to have their timeline wrong, for sure!

    Thanks, Lady, for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Sure is food for thought! Glad you like the mystery this morning!

    Nothing but fun at the Hermit's house!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Something like this could sure mess with ya!

    Makes you want to rethink all the age thing, doesn't it?

    Sorry about making you dizzy this morning, buddy! Turn about is fair play, though!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Someone lost it, that's for sure!

    I always figured that Thor's would be bigger!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Always fun to have something to think about first thing in the morning, isn't it?

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  7. Now I remember where I left my hammer, Thor can go get his own.

  8. You know... Everything 'Seems' BIGger when your a kid...and when you grow up things shrink...

    ....Thor was a Munchkin !O

    i think this is SO COOL!!
    Always knew science had a dating problem.

    It'll be over 110 here today *~*

  9. "A team of archaeologists checked it"......How did they check it? by just looking at did the iron last that long without rusting away?
