Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Means Mystery Time...!

There are so many mysteries out there, it's hard to choose one for discussion.

Many of you may have heard of this one, but I thought it might be worthy of another look! Besides, I really want to know more about this stuff and I don't think the government will ever tell us how much they know about it, ya know?

Oakville Blobs

Q: What was the gelatinous substance that fell on Oakville, Washington in 1994?

On August 7, 1994, a bizarre gelatinous substance fell on the town of Oakville, which is a small logging community on the western edge of Washington State. Over a period of three weeks, the rain was spotted a total of six times, mostly in the middle of the night. By the afternoon of August 7, the residents of Oakville began to complain of a mysterious illness. They described having difficulty breathing, extreme vertigo, blurred vision, and an increased sense of nausea. One of the town’s residence Beverly Roberts was quoted as saying that everyone in town contracted a flu-like illness that lasted two to three months. Additionally, several cats and dogs that came into contact with the substance fell ill and died.

A sample of the substance was taken to a hospital and found to contain a large amount of human white blood cells, but nobody could identify how it came from the sky. The sample was then sent to the Washington State Department of Health for further study and determined to have two species of bacteria, one of which lives in the human digestive system. Because of the findings, the substance was initially speculated to be human waste from an airplane, but that was disproven. Evidence from the sample has supported the fact that the substance was alive.

Some people have linked the strange rain with a series of U.S. bombing runs that were carried out over the Pacific in August of 1994, while others are convinced that the town was used for a U.S. military experiment designed to test a new form of biological weapon. During the event, Oakville residents reported a significant, almost daily increase in the amount of slow-moving military aircraft in the skies over their town, but not much ground traffic was observed. Before the first rain was reported, a series of black helicopters were spotted in the area.

Some people have also connected the history of gelatinous rain with chemtrails in the United States. The chemtrail conspiracy holds that some trails left by streaking jets are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public. There actually is a patent (United States Patent 6,315,213) which describes a method for artificially modifying the weather by seeding rain clouds of a storm with suitable cross-linked aqueous polymer. However, the current benefit of such a process in unknown. Others have connected the Oakville blobs with the historic accounts of star jelly.

Now this is a mystery you can really sink your teeth into, ya know? (sorry, but I couldn't resist!)

How about we have coffee out on the patio? Toasted sourdough bread and jelly (not the star kind) on the side!


  1. Strange stuff. Lord knows what 'they' are doing to us and there is nothing we can do about it.
    So instead, let's enjoy fresh coffee and some of your sourdough bread & jelly. At least we'll go out with a full tummy!

  2. Guess, I will just take my chemtrails. That stuff looks nasty.

  3. That stuff looks just like A/C condensate 'junk' that you occasionally have to flush out of the drain - blech! Save the green specs.

  4. Bubba -
    This is just too yukky and scary to think about! Why don't I remember hearing about this at the time? Wow - human white blood cells and bacteria? --Maybe I don't want to be one of the survivors after all - who knos what will come after TEOTWAWEKI, if this is what we're being exposed to in 1994!!

    Just a slice of bread and butter,please - I'll bring the grilled lamb...

    Big hugs -

  5. That is some nasty, yucky looking stuff. I agree with Baby Sis - maybe I don't want to be a survivor if they are going to dump that kind of junk on me. Toasted sourdough bread and jelly sound good to me.

  6. Very interesting. Now if it were tested to be bacteria and a health hazard why doesn't the fool holding the stuff have rubber gloves on?

    I could use a refill of coffee that is please pass the pot.

  7. I love your mysteries. They make me think, but I can't come up with any explanation for most of them.

  8. No one actually knows what an alien would look like. Would they look like earthlings or would they look like a blob?
    Stories like this are very strange. Why only one location? Why did people get sick? Sure do make ya wonder don't it?

  9. The photo looks like a mass of snail eggs.

  10. Hey Phyllis...
    It does look pretty strange, doesn't it? I am all for going out with a full tummy, but I'd rather not go right now!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JMD...
    Nasty enough that I wouldn't want to pick it up!

    Hey, thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Anon 7:27...
    I sure don't want any of that stuff around my house!


    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    Can't help but be reminded of the movie "The Blob" with Steve McQueen!

    Sure does look a lot like that stuff.

    Must be from one of those "never happened" experiments!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Wonder if it has been seen again since '94?

    Way too many strange things going on, if you ask me!

    Glad you could come by this morning!

    Hey John...
    That about sums it up! Sure don't want to step in it!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Just shows how stupid folks can be! I would NOT be picking it up, even with gloves on!

    Thanks, sweetie, for the visit today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    That's one thing that's good about a mystery! Makes you think about some of what's out there!

    Many things with no explanation, that's for sure!

    I appreciate you coming by this morning, buddy!

    Hey Billy Bob...
    Chances are they won't look like us!

    This might be a good design for space travel. Flexible, yet solid enough to move things. Probably withstands a lot of force!

    Does make ya wonder!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    It does remind me of snail eggs or even frog eggs!

    Ugly clump, that's for sure!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  11. Maybe one of the angles looked down and saw what a mess we made of this old earth and vomited. . .

  12. No worries, it is just the goo off of a family size can of vienna sausages, it still may be hazardous if you eat it but probably not to just hold it.

  13. Hey Dizzy...
    How true that could be!

    Thanks for the thoughts!

    Hey Sunny Brook...
    I'm sure glad you found the secret! Now I feel so much better...but one question. How did it manage to fall from the sky?

    Maybe I really don't want to know the answer to that one!

    Thanks for coming by today!
