Sunday, October 14, 2012

Guess What's On Today...?

I know! I know...! Cartoons again!

But, after all it is Sunday, right? We always do cartoons on Sunday!

One more Foghorn Leghorn, just because I like the way this guy talks! Must be a southern thing!

I can't help it! Cartoons always make me smile a bit! Guess I'm a kid at heart! Either that or I'm having my second childhood...or is it my third?

Better have coffee in the kitchen this morning. Supposed to start raining soon, but you know how accurate these weather guys are!


  1. It took me time to learn all the comments, but I honestly loved the blog. It proved to be very advantageous to me and I'm positive to all of the followers here!

  2. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)October 14, 2012 at 6:50 AM

    Too funny! The last one is so true - I have Charlie, a banty rooster who is just like him! He just loves the the ladies and it's so much fun to watch the hens try to avoid him. They are a lot bigger than he is, but Charlie doesn't know that!
    I'm in the mood for Dunkin Donuts this morning. How about I bring a box or two for all?

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    Sounds pretty good to me?

    Chickens can be so much fun to watch! Lots of entertainment in all those feathers!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. Hey Anon...
    Thanks for all the kind words this morning.

    Thanks also for coming over!

  5. LMSAO Love Sunday's with my favorite friend. Great laughs this morning thank.
    It's nice here this morning. Still need to get the porch clean. Need a new shop vac. Hopefully tomorrow.

  6. Hey Jo...
    Glad to give you a chuckle this morning, sweetie!

    Are you glad to be back?

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  7. Hi HJ, I am hoping you are planning on posting some updated photos of your new kitty. How is he doing? Still a wild thing?

  8. Hey JMD...
    I promise to try and get some more pictures of him pretty soon! Hard to get him to be still long enough, though.

    The cat has two speeds...all out and dead stop when he naps! He's out playing in the rain right now. I didn't know cats liked the rain!

    Thanks for asking about him, and for coming by today!

  9. HJ, I once had a cat that would run through the sprinkler. lol Another time he jumped in the kids wading pool and had a swim. We named him Murdoch after the character on the A-Team. Remember?

  10. Second or third childhood, heck I ain't finished with the first one yet !!
