Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'm Ready For Some Fall...!

We've had maybe two or three days of Fall weather so far and bluntly, I want some more!

Ol' Buddy is ready for some as well, I think. It should be interesting since he really has not experienced any cold weather in his short life. All he has known up to this point is warm and sunny weather!

He has learned that the patio is a good spot to catch a nap and that he has plenty of company at the patio table if he waits long enough. He has adopted one particular chair as his own, and that's the one that he wants to get in! Here he is, waiting on the coffee crowd to show!

When he is inside, one of his favorite spots is in my rocking chair, especially if it's full of clothes waiting to be put away!

I'm thinking that if I could get as comfortable as my cat for just a few minutes a day, I'd feel great! Anyone with a pet probably knows just what I mean!

Coffee on the patio this morning. Watch out for o' Buddy, 'cause he likes to drink coffee right out of the cup! He doesn't like milk, but he does enjoy a lick or two of coffee! Strange!


  1. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)October 16, 2012 at 4:56 AM

    Smart puddy tat! He'll fit right in with all of us 'patio people'!
    Today is a good day for apple pie - still have so many of them. I'll bring two pies, some catnip and a pile of leaves for Buddy to play in!

  2. My cat thinks I make a good bed to lie on. Thanks for the pie, Phyllis.

  3. Looks like he has made himself at home!

  4. Pets sure know how to be comfortable. My dog was quick to take my place in bed. I had to get up to put the trash out. It's 40 and wet this morning. The dog has no interest in going out right now.

  5. Cats are particular alright. When I was a kid, our Manx cat was a full time outdoor cat, but I sometimes let her inside our home. She would climb the wall bracket bookshelves until she found a particular spot and crash right there. I couldn't figure out what it was, but that was her 'spot'.

  6. Bubba -
    Nice to see some updates on Buddy! He's a beauty, and I'm happy to see that he's outside a little. Just keep and eye on him, and on those claws!

    How about some fresh pumkin bread to go along with that coffee? I'd love some pie, Phyllis, but unfortunately am allergic to apples - wierd, huh?

    Big hugs -

  7. Buddy is welcome in my lap any time he wants to. What a beauty he is.

  8. The cool mornings sure have been nice. I'm not looking forward to the first "blue norther" though...

  9. Buddy, sure has grown since you first posted pictures. Pretty face or is that handsome? Pass the pot please. Thanks Phyllis the pies are great.

  10. Hey Phyllis...
    Apple pie is one of my favorites! I haven't introduced Buddy to catnip as of yet, mainly because he is so hyper already!

    Looks like it's going to be an interesting day!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    They sure do know how to find the comfortable spots, don't they?

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey JMD...
    That he has! Thinks he owns everything around!

    He just loves to pester Mom's cat who is 13 years old. She hates him!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    They will take over a warm spot in a heartbeat!

    I can't say as I blame him for not wanting to go out in the cold!

    Thanks, my friend, for dropping by today!

    Hey Anon 7:17...
    Funny how they claim a certain spot, but I guess that we do the same thing!

    It sure would be interesting to know what they are thinking sometimes!

    Many thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Those little claws are certainly sharp! My arms look like bleeding pin cushions!

    Blood thinner and playful kittens can sure be a pain(no pun intended)!

    Still, he seems to be happy enough!

    Thanks for coming by and for the pumpkin bread!

    Hey Linda...
    He does like a good lap, but only if he thinks it's his idea! Being held when he wants down is a true test of pain endurance!

    I truly appreciate the visit today!

  11. Hey Craig...
    I'm dreading it as well, but we all know it's coming! I have a feeling that this Winter is going to be tough along the Texas coast!

    Thanks, buddy, for dropping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Seems like he grows an inch or two everyday! No wonder...'cause he eats like a horse!

    Don't tell him I said so, but I think he is pretty good looking also!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  12. Our weather has finally gotten a bit more fall like with rain all night - much needed rain.

    Yes, our pets are sure smart - they know when to catch a quick nap. If only we would allow ourselves that luxury...

    Coffee and pie with you and Buddy, dear H.J.? You bet - thanks!!

  13. It has rained in the past 3 days more than 111 days of the summer that broke all dry and heat records, we won't see much of the sun until next june or july 2013 if we are lucky..Our two kitty cats don't go out much at all, they know something is coming and they don't want to get cold and snowey at all..Good you are happy and not ill...Do you ever hear from babysis about Ben Woods daughter Autumn up in Hood River Oregon????? We don't live to far one day I will go with my hubby (retired) I am not retired and visit her, what an enormous loss to her and her family and to this world, I still almost go to his site daily and forget the good Lord took him home..such a big loss well you take good care of yourself, if I had someway to get the pies to you I baked last week I would get to you, I volunteer for a food place, I baked about 20 pies all local organic heirloom varieties, the people who were hungry for the stew I made and scratch biscuits and local beans and mashed spuds, seemed to enjoy those pies, I love to cook and after I work at a non-profit place I walk to this food place and start to cooking, baking and serving all the people seem to love my efforts and I can sleep well at night after I cook for my sweet hubby of nearly 40 years..The debate tonight better be a good one cause I go to bed early, get up very early and I will be so tired, but I am rooting for Obama to close the deal, he was exhausted from 36 hours of campaigning and he is afterall a human being not Superman!!!!!!! Take care, have a cuppa coffee on me and if I lived closer you would be full of neat pies, they were easy, made up the apples and a friend made up the crusts, we slapped them together in no time early in the morning with lots of strong coffee, we have huge ovens and they baked up lovely...I even made a tiny tiny one for my hubbs who will be 65 this coming sunday and looks like he is 45 dadnappitt all! Ciao!!!!!1

  14. Oh to be comfy like my cat. . .

  15. Hey 2 Tramps...
    We could learn a lot from nature if we only paid attention!

    You are certainly always welcome here on the patio! Always!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Anon...
    I would certainly be more than happy to have any extra pies you have, especially apple!

    Good on ya for volunteering at the food place. I can bet that your efforts are appreciated.

    Thanks so much for coming over!

    Hey Phelan...
    Sure would be a blessing, wouldn't it? It might make the healing go a bit faster as well!

    Good to hear from you again. Thanks for dropping by today!
