Friday, October 5, 2012

Traveling This Friday To Devon, England...!

The reason I wanted us to travel here is because of this grave.

There are some fairly unusual burial places in the world, but not many have this kind of history. This site is peaceful and sad at the same time, if you know what I mean.

At least this person has not been totally forgotten. That's something good, I think.

Kitty Jay

Manaton, Devon, England

Colloquially called Jay’s Grave this rather nondescript mound of grass has been baffling Devonians for years. Thought to be the resting place of a suicide victim of the late 1700s the grave situated within the eerie depths of Dartmoor has become a cult haunting spot for ghost-chasers. Due to the religion led ignominy towards ‘self-murder’ in the 18th century, Kitty Jay was denied a church plot in consecrated ground and instead was buried at crossroads so that her spirit would remain confused and never be able to find its way to the afterlife. Someone somewhere certainly has sympathy with Kitty because fresh flowers are regularly placed on the grave and despite numerous investigations, paranormal and otherwise, no one has ever come claimed responsibly for the frequent floral tributes.

See what I mean about this final resting place being both peaceful and sad at the same time?

Let's brighten things up just a bit by having our coffee on the patio. It's kinda nice out this morning!


  1. You know, it's pretty mean spirted to bury someone with the idea they will never find rest. I'd leave flowers at the grave myself if I was there.

  2. At least someone is leaving flowers on the grave. Kitty Jay's spirit deserves some peace after whatever drove her to take her own life. Coffee on the patio sounds good. I want the swing!

  3. Back then people had some strange ideas some were very evil yet they used religion to back them up. Poor Kitty deserves her flowers.

    Good post I might add.
    I'll take a nice hot refill please.

  4. It is nearing Halloween, mexicans have the day of the dead Dia De La Meurtos to honor their dead..I cannot imagine a person being with held from being buried for committing suicide, imagained or not..It is cruel to the decedent and to the familias..It does not happen in Mexico that I know of and not in Spain, where my mother was born but not raised for too many years..I think one should honor the dead and to me honor the living why put flowers all the time at the gravesite why not honor the living getting flowers when they can smell, touch and see them..We eat foods my mother loved, my Grandmother and many of my ancestors and know they live in our hearts forever...I think to deny a person a grave site is just plain cruel and dumb..Happy Halloween early, it is frosty out this morning and I would only have cafe in our home, the patio is too cold our kitty cats ran out and and in and the recycle guy forgot my big bin, had to call him to come back and get it, the weather changing here is causing people to forget a lot, we have nearly 300 days of inclement weather, wet, this year for sure snow and ice and wild no electric days..wowooo whee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep warm mr. Hermit onthe Porch, and love your blog always something sweet and amusing on your blog and positive and informative tooooo!

  5. Hey Sixbears...
    It does seem to be mean spirited, doesn't it?

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    The swing seems to be all yours this morning!

    I'm glad that someone is leaving flowers for her!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    Way too many mean customs and strange ideas back then.

    Cru3el intentions were the norm!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over this morning!

    Hey Anon 9:43...
    Like the wake used by the Irish, a person's life should be remembered by the good things. I think the Day of the Dead does just that!

    I really appreciate you dropping by today!

  6. Wow. What a sad story. Just like Sixbears, I'd leave flowers at the grave too If I was there. I really love your blog. It's interesting. Thanks a lot.

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