Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Travels To The Mud Volcanoes...!

Once in a great while, we get to travel to some place very unique! All thanks to the power of the internet!

Some of these places are truly amazing, just like this one! I had no idea that this one existed! In fact, I had never heard of it, but that doesn't mean much. Lots of things in this ol' world I haven't heard of!

Mud Volcanoes of Azerbaijan

In the Spring of 2001, volcanic activity under the Caspian Sea off the Azeri coast created a whole new island. In October 2001 there was an impressive volcanic eruption in Azerbaijan at Lokbatan, but there were no casualties or evacuation warnings. But Azerbaijan does not have a single active volcano, at least not in the usual sense of the word. What Azerbaijan does have is mud volcanoes – hundreds of them. Mud volcanoes are the little-known relatives of the more common magmatic variety. They do erupt occasionally with spectacular results, but are generally not considered to be dangerous – unless you happen to be there at the wrong time: every twenty years or so, a mud volcano explodes with great force, shooting flames hundreds of meters into the sky, and depositing tonnes of mud on the surrounding area. In one eruption, the flames could easily be seen from 15 kilometers away on the day of the explosion, and were still burning, although at a lower level, three days later.

I can only imagine what a mess this thing would make when it erupts. On second thought, I think I really don't want to go here after all! How about you?

Coffee in the kitchen again today! The Sun is out, but the rain is coming in a bit!


  1. I don't think I'd want to be close by.

  2. I wonder if it has any good stuff in it to take a mud bath. Just think we might all be young again. mmm but then maybe not. Would have to wait for the cooking first and then maybe not even. haha But it is amazing.

    I'll have a fast cup with you then off to get grocerys.

  3. Those are really neat. No, I guess neat isn't a good word. They are messy. I am not real fond of mud, have had some bad experiences with mud. But I would rather have a mud volcano than the other kind.

  4. Man, that sounds messy in a way you only see in movies! We allegedly have a "flaming geyser" here in Washington is the hardest place to find, tho'!
    But hot water isn't near so messy as hot mud!

  5. Man, that sounds messy in a way you only see in movies! We allegedly have a "flaming geyser" here in Washington is the hardest place to find, tho'!
    But hot water isn't near so messy as hot mud!

  6. It’s hard to find knowledgeable people on this topic, but you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks

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