Saturday, November 24, 2012

Great Gift From The Past...!

I know it probably looks a little silly on the surface, but I'd like to have one of these!

At first glance, this cane doesn't seem that impressive. But given the era in which it was introduced, it must have been quite an addition to any gent's wardrobe!

Multipurpose Cane

Admittedly, though bizarre, I can see the value in this particular invention. What this invention does is quite clear: it serves its standard function as a cane, as well as providing many other uses to its bearer. Some of the noble pursuits which the cane was tailored to were flute playing, horse measuring, and the capturing of butterflies. Should a gentleman ever be caught in the rain, fear not: for the cane contained an umbrella as well, keeping the man nice and dry to light his cane-pipe. I see nothing more bizarre about this invention than a standard Swiss army knife, and can you use a Swiss army knife as a cane? That depends upon how tall you are, but I have my doubts.

You could think of this as a very early multifunction tool! Hard to believe that it was invented when it was. Of course, in today's world the cane would have to include some kind of firearm!

We better have our coffee in the kitchen this morning. It's trying to rain off and on, and it's cooling off.


  1. I prefer the ones that contain a sword or firearm!

  2. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)November 24, 2012 at 4:53 AM

    My Dad had a beautiful one. It was all hand carved with an alligator entwined the entire length of the cane.The detail on it was amazing!
    It's raining here too - might get some flurries later.

  3. I have a sword cane. Haven't had to use it.....yet.

  4. Where can I get one of these? Sure would be nice, but I would prefer it to have some kind of firearm as well. Snow flurries here and 23 degrees so definitely coffee inside this morning.

  5. Pretty interesting. Lots of tools at hand all the time.
    I'll join in the kitchen. Our weather has been unseasonably warm. Had to use the A/C yesterday.

  6. Hubs has one, the handle folds out into a seat: "Fair Seat"..'New York Worlds Fair' stamped on it. Heavy little thing.

    51 and sunny here this Morning..
    Lemon Zinger tea for me:)

  7. The umbrella is especially important in Texas - hiking in the open is MUCH more pleasant in the shade vs full sun. Ever feel that instant temperature difference between shade of building into full sun? Its nice in rain too, but sun shade - gimme some more of that!
