Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday's Mystery Is "Why"...

Many questions have yet to be answered about things like this!

This particular mystery is one of the most disturbing that I've come across in a long, long time. The consequences of what could happen if this stockpile was compromised is like something straight out of a Stephen King novel. Trust me on this. I've read nearly all of them!

Weaponized Rabies

 Theorists strongly contend that rabies is the virus whose effects on the central nervous system most closely match the popular concept of the zombie. In fact, 97% of the world’s human rabies infections occur via dog bites. It has been all but eradicated in most countries with modern medicine. But the government has stockpiled every disease that has ever existed in varying amounts. This is defended as studying disease mutations to prepare for the worst.

But if we have rabies vaccine stockpiles, why do we bother keeping the disease? There is only one known strain of rabies virus, and it kills by only one method, inflammation of the brain (encephalitis). It is 100% fatal without treatment, and in the lead-up to death, causes the victim to go insane. Violent acts may or may not occur, but the person is no longer himself. He is something else.

If it were possible to keep such a person alive, his brain damage would be irreversible and almost total. Only the cerebellum would remain unscathed. If the cerebellum is inflamed, the person dies. Thus, theorists claim, the very existence of stockpiles of this virus proves the government’s intent to weaponize it, and the result can only be the complete “zombification” of human beings.

I'll be perfectly honest with you. This type of thing scares the Hell out of me! I can't see any reason to store the disease if we already have the treatment, can you?

Coffee in the kitchen again this morning How about some Angel Biscuits?


  1. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)November 26, 2012 at 5:48 AM

    Yeah, first they spray you and then if that doesn't do it....why did they buy all those hollow point bullets anyway???
    Coffee in the kitchen is fine - it's 31 here. What is an Angel Biscuit? If you can eat them warm and put butter on it, I'll take two!

  2. Jim,I don't understand why we store so many evil viruses and flues etc. So they can study and save us from them? Or weaponize and use against us? Either way their arrogance is sad,we can not defeat nature.Why store something that could get loose and destroy humanity?


  3. Sounds like DIY Zombie Apocolypse to me too. Scary stuff indeed.

  4. Definitely sounds like the Zombie Apocalypse to me. I never could figure out why they stored all those diseases and viruses except to use them for biological warfare someday. Coffee inside (20 degrees here) sounds good. Never had a angel biscuit but I will have one anyways.

  5. I question their intent. There may be scientific reasons to keep the virus, but my guess is that they have darker reasons too.

  6. Scary stuff. I just wish they would find a cure for the common cold I have a winner. I wonder if turkey soup is just as good a chicken?

    I am also wondering about Angel Biscuits. Can I have hot tea with lemon and honey today please.

  7. Hey Phyllis...
    Many questions like that I would like the answers to, as well!

    Angel biscuits are made using both yeast and baking powder, so the combined taste makes them outstanding! Great hot with lots of butter!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey China...
    In my mind, I think they were thinking "weapons", but I could be wrong! Surely we have more humane ways to kill each other than to use this stuff!

    Hope it doesn't get loose, ya know?

    Thanks for coming over, buddy!

    Hey Anon 7:24...
    I have to agree with your thoughts here!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    More questions than answers there, I'm afraid!

    You'll like the Angel biscuits! Good stuff!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I'm thinking there are a lot of bad intentions in this area! I hope I'm wrong, but...

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    I believe the turkey soup will work for ya! Gotta be a comfort food at least!

    Sorry you have a cold, sweetie, but I'm glad you could drop by anyway!
