Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Once Again, It's Western Wednesday...!

Our discussion today isn't about the old west per se, but it does have a western flair!

If you were like me growing up, radio was a big part of family entertainment. Radio sets, records and record players, and sheet music or song books were found in nearly all homes...and were used quite regularly!

My folks were really into shows like the "Grand Ol' Opry" and we sang along with many of the tunes that were played!

Nov 28, 1925:
The Grand Ole Opry begins broadcasting

The Grand Ole Opry, one of the longest-lived and most popular showcases for western music, begins broadcasting live from Nashville, Tennessee. The showcase was originally named the Barn Dance, after a Chicago radio program called the National Barn Dance that had begun broadcasting the previous year.

Impressed by the popularity of the Chicago-based National Barn Dance, producers at WSM radio in Nashville decided to create their own version of the show to cater to southern audiences who could not receive the Chicago signal. Both the Grand Ole Opry and the National Barn Dance aired on Saturday nights and featured folk music, fiddling, and the relatively new genre of country-western music. Both shows created a growing audience for a uniquely American style of music and were launching grounds for many of America's most-loved musicians--the singing cowboy Gene Autry got his first big break on the National Barn Dance. The WSM producers recognized that Americans were growing nostalgic for the rural past, so all live performers at the Grand Ole Opry were required to dress in hillbilly costumes and adopt old-time names.

The four-and-a-half-hour Grand Ole Opry program became one of the most popular broadcasts in the South, and like its Chicago cousin, helped make country-western an enduring part of the popular American musical landscape.

Just thinking about it kinda makes me nostalgic, ya know?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Fresh baked bread with some apple-jalapeno jelly on the top makes a good snack!


  1. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)November 28, 2012 at 4:37 AM

    We didn't get The Grand Ole Opry where we lived. The only country songs we heard were when we went to the movies.
    (Keep your eye on that jelly jar - it just might go missing when coffee time is over!)

  2. Goodmorning, as a native Nashvillian I'm ashamed to say l've only been once to the Opry,back in the seventies my favorite era for "Country music". Not always cutting edge, In 1954, a young Elvis was politely told he should keep his truck driving job. God bless em. First cup usually in bed. regards, Randall

  3. It's amusing to think of Chicargo as the place where Country music got a big boost.

    Bacon and eggs this morning, fesh hot coffee and a good view of the frosty trees by the half frozen lake.

  4. My family wasn't in to Country Music back then; they were more into classical music. We did listen to a lot of radio entertainment then. I have been to Nashville but so far I have not been to the Grand Ole Opry. It is on my list of "must see", especially the old original theater. Save a piece of that bread for me.

  5. We didn't or at least I don't remember listening to country. Dad used to sing in a Quartet and he sang all the time and so did my mom. But they weren't country songs.
    I'll have a cup and some fresh bread, no jelly for me I can bring some nice sweet butter.

  6. Hey Phyllis...
    I can remember my folks listening all the time! I think the coverage increased as the show got older!

    Jelly jar may be empty by the time you leave!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Randall...
    In bed is probably a good place to start a frosty morning! Right now it's 54 and that ain't bad for the end of November!

    Thanks for coming by the kitchen this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Does sound like a strange place for the start, doesn't it?

    Now that sounds like a good way to spend a morning...sitting by the wood stove!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    I was lucky in the fact that my folks liked everything from country and big bands to classical!

    Mom is still that way and her choices of music hasn't changed that much! She loves bluegrass, much like Dizzy!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Most of the songs sang around my house by the folks were gospel, I think!

    Sweet butter sounds great for this bread!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  7. Just call me McKenna and we'll be fine, HermitJim! I love the info you put on here; it's fascinating and fun. Just sayin'....

  8. No Grand Ole Opry on the radio where I grew up (NJ) and I can't really remember any of the radio shows that my parents might have listened too. I do remember listening to WNEW (NY) and also WOR radio.

  9. There are parts of the american culture I really love - well rock n roll what can I say...but listening to radio when we were kids was a priviledge and we all had to be bathed and in our jammys before we were allowed to sit around the radio and scare ourselves stupid with an hour of "they walk by night"..great post Jim

  10. Hey McKenna...
    You got it! McKenna it is from now on!

    I'm pleased that you like this stuff and find it interesting, my friend!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Beatrice...
    Guess you were deprived of all the good shows, huh?

    Those two stations were rock and roll, right?

    Hey, thanks for coming over today!

    Hey WandaKR...
    My household was much the same way as far as the radio and television were concerned.

    Nothing wrong in earning the special treats in childhood, I think!

    I appreciate the visit!
