Friday, December 21, 2012

Is It Over...?

I don't know if I missed it, or slept through it, or was just in the wrong place!

I just looked outside and the world is still there...or at least what passes as the world as we know it. I guess I'm good with that, though. I reckon that when the Boss upstairs is ready to put an end to everything, He will let us know!

Sorry that I didn't do a usual traveling Friday post today, but I'm a little bummed because tomorrow is the "Family Christmas Tree" at Mom's house, and we all know how much I look forward to that event, right?

Anyway, plenty of fresh cookies available, so let's have our coffee in the kitchen.


  1. Family can be difficult sometimes but you can always be thankful you do have family and can be together on special occasions. Too many years I have not been able to be with my parents for holidays, thankfully this year I will be.

    Maybe just stand back and watch the drama unfold as if it's a soap opera!

  2. Well if you count all the new snow that is falling nationwide then it may seem that the world is about to end. 15" in some place's in Iowa and Wisconsin.

  3. And here I was counting on an asteroid to melt this snow!

  4. I agree with the above, try and ignore any drama and be thankful for the ones who have given your life added value. That said, I know the feeling of wishing their presence was needed somewhere else.

  5. I haven't noticed anything either and we are at least six hours ahead of Your east coast :-) We even have some sunshine right now that actually could be the first sign of the end, can't remember when we had that the last time :-) :-) :-) I'll tell You if anything happens but it sure looks as if I'll get a couple of yule ham :-)


  6. Hey Jim, we hermits have to come out of hiding a day or two this time of year but I'm ok with that. Kinda like Steve Mcqueen in "Papillon" when he sticks his head out of his jail cell and ask the young guy next door. How do I look? I KNOW the answer to that question. Them ole mayans got it wrong d......t! : )

  7. I survived the big snow storm here in WI. It is just blowing real hard here. I woke up this morning and said "darn, guess the world didn't end because I didn't rapture. Or, did I rapture in the wrong direction?" LOL

  8. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)December 21, 2012 at 7:48 AM

    Good Morning! All is right with the world = power just came back on! Horrible wind here and rain, but warm at 54. Coffee and cookies in the kitchen shared with good friends sounds wonderful!

  9. I think it's at 11:11 PM, so still got a few hours left! : )

  10. Now my Friend you know how much Mom looks forward to this and it hasn't ended all that bad lately. So put that smile on your face and know your friends are right behind you. We'll be waiting in the kitchen with lots of coffee for a break if you need it.

  11. The entire Mayan event was so supercharged by many that it reminded me of the Y2K drama. Sigh.

    I would rather take a whooping than do the family gathering thing. There always was so much drama and no one was happy. It wasn't a problem that we couldn't fix with enough miles between us and "them".

    Coffee indoors is good, it is beyond cold here.

  12. your demise is one day after mayberry gets it

    unless you want the delux version one week before mayberry

    in that case pay up

    not a charity here


  13. The news is all about the big snow in the east, but I have it up to my knees right here in northern CA. Had to shovel my way to a bale of hay this morning so I could feed my horse. I don't know about the rest of the world on this Dec 21st, but everything has come to a stand still here. Couldn't get the truck out of the driveway if I had to. No point in getting in a rush. Supposed to be more snow right through the weekend.

  14. You didn't miss it my friend, the world is still going to hell.

  15. First Y2K now 12-21-12 what's next I'm growing weary of it all*sigh* Hugs to you Hermit, Christmas is a hard time for lots of people,because it's really a family oriented time. Glad we found your page, it feels like home! :o) Merry Christmas Hermit

  16. Guess I missed it too, HJ, but like you said we are still here. Hope the family tree event goes OK. We will be no,e for Christmas and have invited a couple of friends to join us for dinner. I really like the saying that goes "Friends are the family God lets you choose" cause it seems to be true. Enjoy those holiday cookies and Merry Christmas!
