Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Gonna Be A Mess...!

Well, today is going to be different if nothing else!

A foundation company is coming over today to level Mom's house. She had the outside edge of the foundation done several years ago, but now the house is sinking in the middle. That means that the foundation has to be leveled from the inside! This is not an easy task, from what I've read!

First thing we had to do was to make sure the company had a good reputation. As in anything in this day and age, due diligence is all important. Company experience, word of mouth of folks that had used the company before, and a check with BBB is a always a good idea. Secondly, all the work has to be done inside, like I said. After pulling up the carpet, holes have to be made in the floor and the foundation. To say that it's messy, noisy, and dusty is an understatement!

The true fun starts when someone has to go down in the whole, jack up the foundation, and place one or more concrete piers in the right spot! According to all the measurements and level readings, it is going to take a total of 14 pier spots. That's a lot of drilling, to say the least!

We've been talking about doing this for a while, but finally decided that waiting any longer would not be a good idea. The center of the house is about 4 1/2 inches lower than the outside. Of course, that means cracked drywall, doors that won't close, wallpaper peeling in all the wrong spots, ect. Plus, when you come in the front door, you always feel like you're walking downhill because you are!

Anyway, I'm having Mom go and spend a couple of days at one of the niece's house. I'll watch her cat, keep an eye on the work crew, and mainly just stay out of the way! Since I don't live in her house, but in an apartment behind...I'm the logical one to do this! I don't mind, and I'm glad that Mom isn't going to be there to see the mess and maybe trip and fall, ya know? Besides, it really needs to be done!

By the way, there is a serious amount of sticker shock when pricing a job like this. It is NOT cheap! In all fairness, though, it is one hell of a lot of work! One of those things I'd rather pay someone else to do, even if it hurts the pocketbook!

Because of the mess inside, we better have coffee out on the patio! It's chilly, but the coffee is hot!


  1. My friend's house was sagging and leaning. She called a company that told her the things that hold up the house were on plywood pieces of board that were rotting and sagging. They never came inside at all. They just pumped concrete under the house and did something with it. I was not allowed to go look or ask a question. She is a widow and tells everyone, thinking they will treat her fairly out of sympathy. She gets ripped off quite often.

    It cost her $10K for part of two different days. It turns out that this builder has several houses in the area with the same problem. He has moved to another state and it has been too long to make him responsible...what she said her attorney told her.

    I feel much better about your watching out for your mother.

  2. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)January 15, 2013 at 5:46 AM

    That seems like a lot of work - should be interesting to watch how it is done though. Does this mean you are going to wallpaper and paint after it's finished?
    Coffee outside is fine - I'll bring some apple fritters. Most of the snow melted yesterday but we are getting more tonight.

  3. Hey Linda...
    One thing about living in the Houston area is that the soil is mostly clay. Many houses in the area have a settling problem due to the poor soil.

    I have to say, the house was built about 35 years ago, so it has held up pretty good.Just like me, it's showing it's age!

    Thanks so much for coming by!

    Hey Gorges...
    Thanks, my friend! I hope so too!

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I'm not a big fan of wallpaper, but if that's what Mom wants...that's what we'll do!

    Thanks for coming over!

  4. Cheaper than building a new house, but a hassle just the same.

  5. Bubba -
    I, too, am awfully glad you're there to watch out for Mom in all kinds of ways. This has been coming for sometime, and I'm glad y'all are getting it done. Afterward, I'll come over with the old guy and we'll have a paint & float party. Wallpaper? That was always Sue's territory, but we'll see....let me know if I can do anything from over this way!

    Bigger hugs than usual -

  6. Glad that you are there to look out after your Mom. What a hassle that sounds like, but something that needs to be done. House repairs always seem to cost a fortune, but are still cheaper than moving. Let us know how it goes.

  7. Hey Momlady...
    I wouldn't want to have a house built in today's market! Way too much!

    If I were to build one in the country, I would not use a slab foundation, but pier and beam.

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    Sounds like a plan to me! I'll need a vacation when this is all over!

    Thanks, Sis, for coming by!

    Hey Linda...
    Dealing with older houses is never fun or cheap, but beats the cost of building or moving!

    Nothing is cheap lately, but some things are necessary!

    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

  8. Hope it all works out well that's a job.

  9. Whoa, serious amount of work. Glad it will be done before there is more serious problems.

  10. I'm so glad you are there to watch over things for your mom. What a job that will be and clean up is going to take some doing too. Hope all goes well on this project.

  11. Hey Duke...
    Thanks, buddy! I appreciate that! I appreciate the visit also!

    Hey JMD...
    You and me both! Now if the leveling doesn't cause any plumbing problems, all will be well!

    One thing seems to lead to another!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Cleaning up is going to be a job, alright. Not looking forward to it, but that's how it goes!

    Maybe I'll have to go fishing after this!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  12. Hope they don't raise the center too much, you will fall out the door.
