Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday With Daffy...!

We haven't had too much from Daffy in a while, so I figured this would be as good a time as any!

One thing about cartoons, especially the older ones, is that the sound effects have a very big part in the 'toon itself. The sound effects basically make the 'toon! Mel Blanc made a fortune because of his ability to do so many character voices. I don't think I ever heard his natural voice, but I have enjoyed his many characters! Bet you have too!

I can't help but wonder just what it would be like to spend some time as a character in a cartoon! Sometimes I feel as though I'm in one, but it doesn't last very long!

Sorry, I get started and just can't stop myself! Just one more...OK?

Well, now that I have that out of my system I can go back to work. Er...did I just say work? I must be getting a little Daffy myself!

Coffee on the patio this morning. I'll run down and get us some sausage kolaches...OK?


  1. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)January 20, 2013 at 5:43 AM

    Three really great old 'toons this morning, Mr. Hermit! Glad we have the internet - they NEVER would have been made in today's pc world.
    Sausage kolaches??? Save me a big plate & keep 'em hot - I'm on my way!

  2. Hi HJ, cartoons will be the best we can hope for today...just saying.

    How is the work coming at your mom's? Hope it is done and the house is beginning to come back to it's "normal" state.

  3. Thanks for the chuckles this morning. I need to read yesterdays post the heading looks interesting.

    I sure could use more coffee on your patio long day yesterday with very little coffee.

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    Yeah, it's a good thing that we have a way to archive and watch these oldies!

    Heck, some of them are as old as I am!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey JMD...
    Gotta do something to take my mind off the circus tomorrow!

    The guys finished Thursday, the carpet guys finished re-stretching the carpet Friday, so now I'm just moving all the furniture back in place! I ache all over!

    At least the weather is nice! Almost like Spring!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Always glad to share a little humor when I can!

    Plenty of coffee for you today, sweetie! Thanks for the visit!

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