Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Well, We Made It...!

Well, despite everything that has happened this past year...here we are!

More than likely 2012 will be talked about, wondered about, and joked about for a long time to come! Many, many changes and surprises, some good and some bad...but I guess the same thing could be said for all the years past. I'm sure that we all have moments that stand out for us this last year. I know I did!

I guess that the best thing for me in 2012 was all the new friends I've made, mostly  from blogging. As you can guess, I don't go out very much. My choice, I might add! I just believe that being in a crowded public place can greatly increase the chance of being caught up in situations that often turn out badly. That is certainly one thing that 2012 has shown us, right?

I was looking back at my stats today, just to see how much has changed since my first post. I started blogging back on November 17th in 2007. As of this writing, I've made 1869 published post. More surprising to me was the fact that this blog has had a total of 343,040 page views! I have no idea where that many folks come from, but I reckon that many of those views are just from searches or something similar!

 Let me state again how much it pleasures me that so many of you have chosen to make me a regular on your reading list! I hope you continue to find some enjoyment in dropping by and sharing a cup of coffee on the patio! Lord knows I wouldn't be here without you!

Let me leave you to celebrate the New Year with your friends and family! However, I couldn't leave without showing you a picture of my cat "Buddy" and the playmate I got for him...a young lady cat aptly named "Kitty!" Boy, these two really play well together! Makes me tired to watch them!

Coffee in the kitchen today! Baking bread again and I love the smell!
 Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. And a Happy New Year to you as well, Jim!

  2. Dearest H.J.,
    Thank you for another year of your always interesting blog posts. Your ever consistent writings are a bright spot in this troubled world.

    Wishing you and yours a very fine 2013!

  3. Hey Gorges...
    Thank you, sir! I appreciate that!

    I do appreciate you coming over this New Years morning as well!

    Hey 2 Tramps...
    Happy New Year, my friend!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  4. HJ, it seems only right that Buddy has a lady friend. I have two fellas (cats) that are in need a a female friend to chase them through the house! ha ha

    It has been great to find your site and visit with you. I look forward to more of the same.

  5. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)January 1, 2013 at 4:40 AM

    Happy New Year, Mr. Hermit! Your blog is the first one I visit every morning - so glad I found it!

  6. Happy New Year, Jim. Hope this one brings good health and some prosperity. Love the kitties. Happy New Year to your mom, also.

  7. Happy New Year my friend, I really would like to sit and have coffee with you one day.

  8. Happy New Year, Jim. I read your blog first thing most mornings and love all the "adventures" you have taken us on.Your "cyber friendship" means a lot to me also. I am glad that Buddy has a new "lady friend". Hours of fun watching them for you. Coffee inside today sounds great, right along with the homemade bread. 3 degrees here today.

  9. Happy New Year My Friend!

    It has been a long haul and I have enjoyed every day of reading your blog. I have learned lots of history and some other things along the way.
    May you have a very healthy and happy year ahead.

    More fresh bread I can smell it from here.

  10. Happy New Year Jim!!! So glad that we are "buddies".!

  11. Hey JMD...
    Ya know, sometimes I feel that if I had just half the energy of these two, I could go on forever! Well, maybe not that long!

    Plenty of enjoyment from watching these two, that's for sure!

    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I'm glad you found it as well! My morning wouldn't be complete without your visit!

    Many thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I sure am glad that you could come by today! I hope your New Year is filled with many friends and finished projects!

    I hope that everyone in your neck of the woods is good! Thanks for the visit this morning, my friend!

    Hey Duke...
    Wouldn't it be great if we could all get together for a face to face?

    I hope you have a great day and a happy new year, buddy!

    Thanks for coming over!

    Hey Linda...
    Man, the cold weather there seems to be getting worse! Way too cold for me, I'm afraid!

    I really appreciate your visits every morning and hope to have many more!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    We have come a long way over this last year, haven't we?

    Certainly glad to have you as a special friend, and thank you so much for coming by and sharing a cup with me, sweetie!

  12. Happy New Year, Jim, and glad we all made it here OK. Thanks for a wonderfully informative, interesting, and entertaining series of blog posts. And, that coffee on the patio or indoors is always an inviting closing and IF we lived closer, we would drop in. But, who knows, maybe on one of our future road trips we will connect. Meanwhile we will keep taking the road trips for yiu and oaths to follow along. Cats can be so entertaining and glad to see that Buddy has a new friend in Kitty.

  13. Hey Anne...
    It has been an interesting and educational year to follow your adventures, that's for sure!

    I hope that you and Jack have a great and happy new year, my friend! You deserve it!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Beatrice...
    I always enjoy the pictures from your trips, that's for sure! Beautiful part of the country from what I have seen!

    It would be nice for us all to get together or meet somewhere. Maybe someday!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  14. Happy New Year and thank you for sharing your life with us.

  15. It is always nice to have a playmate. Now you have a great 2013, you hear?

  16. Happy New Year, Uncle Hermit, may it be filled with health & happiness.


  17. Hey Aggie...
    It's certainly my pleasure to share whatever I learn!

    I do appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Guess I need to think about finding me a "playmate" as well!

    On second thought...

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

    Hey Felinae...
    A very Happy New Year to you and all the family!

    Many thanks for your visit today and always!

  18. And a Happy New Year to you as well sir. You really shouldn't be so surprised at your blog viewing numbers, I make it a standing poing to poke my head inside the window and read you latest entry. So many interesting stories and places I never read or heard about - very cool! I always leave your site happy - hope the New Year is a good one for all of us.

  19. A belated happy new year to you, Mr. Hermit, sir - I was helping Mum and then wrangling family yesterday, never got near the big machine! I hope it's a good year for you.

    Shade and Sweetwater,
