Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I Didn't Want To Do It...!

Because of the extreme amount of Spam I've been receiving as of late, I have started moderating the comments.

The whole time that I have been blogging I've never had to do this. I hate it, but because of all the bad stuff being passed on through links in some comments, links in e-mails, and in unknown links to programs in general I feel this is the thing to do.

I'm sorry if this causes any inconvenience for anyone, but I would feel really bad if any visitor became infected from a visit to my blog, ya know?

In other news, I recently had to replace my computer with another . The old one was using Windows XP while the replacement was loaded with Windows 7. There is a little bit of a learning curve, at least for me, but I think it will be OK. For one reason or another, I've been having some issues with FireFox, so I changed over to a different browser. I like Firefox, but one thing I won't tolerate is a browser that locks up or goes too slow. Too many other choices out there, ya know?

Believe it or not, one of the fastest browsers I tried is Safari (from Apple). I've never tried it before, but I like it! Too bad that it's made by Apple, but at least it isn't a Microsoft product. I really didn't want to start using IE, so Safari might just be the one to stay with.

Seems like it's always something with these computers, which is the main reason I keep two laptops for backup. That way I don't have to be without my daily fix of the Internet for long! Guess I'm addicted!
Guess that we better have coffee inside today. The wind is just too strong to sit outside. I have some pumpkin pie, OK


  1. No worries I've had to do the same for those very same reasons...

  2. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)February 26, 2013 at 4:08 AM

    Ah, computers! I have XP as a standby, but have Vista on my laptop. Firefox works fine on the L/T. Sorry you have to spend so much time checking the spam - (it's been horrible all over the last few months) I just NEVER click on a site that I don't know about. Thank you for keeping your patio nice 'n clean. Always feel safe here! Pumpkin pie sounds wonderful today. We have another storm watch posted for this afternoon. Grrrrrr....

  3. Something else that practically ended spam for me was getting rid of the anonymous option. A lot of folks use it nicely, but many do not. BTW, that guy's insulting wording toward your "commenters" hasn't changed in three years!

  4. The amount of spam has gotten crazy -even on my small blog. We do what we have to do.

    Pie sounds great this morning.

  5. Sorry to hear that you had to start moderating, but there was one "commentor" that was getting very annoying with all their advertising and nasty comments. So thank you . I use Safari and have not had any problems with it.

  6. I am running Windows 7 and I use Firefox. Google Chrome will not let me comment on blogs. I can write them but not comment. Sometimes I just don't understand my computer.

  7. Been using Windows for over three years with no problems.

    Spam can be a problem, didn't know you was getting a lot of it.

    Firefox only gets chunky when I view the Sunday cartoons on your blog, if I right click on it and copy the url and go there in a new window it works just fine. Go figure.

  8. Win 7, did I say Win 7? I may have left out the 7.

  9. One other way to avoid most spam is to not allow Anonymous comments, that way you can avoid comment moderation, it is a pain in the butt.

  10. Yes the spammers are getting to be really bad. I was reading a blog last night about someone who is losing their best friend and some idiot asked how to fix something that made no sense and then left their stinkin link to who knows what.

    the only picture on your post that I could see was of the cup of coffee which is just fine. Enjoy your new computer. I have 7 and it didn't take to long to figure it out.
    Lets sit and drink that coffee in the kitchen I don't mind.

  11. I think it probably is a good idea since none of us want the "bad" virus on our computer. How is the weather in Texas? Suppose to be slowly warming up here and we are ready.

  12. My complaining about spammers certainly is bringing them moreso 59 "anonymous" comments in 3 hours! It takes away my time deleting them.

    What's with this windy weather. I'm sitting here waiting for the raging outside to lift my roof off any minute. Windy most days for 2 months now...ye gads, what will March present us with?

  13. Hey Wanda...
    It's sad that folks are too lazy to do things the right way!

    Thanks so much foroday!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I appreciate my readers way too much to allow some jerks to infect them with bad stuff, if I can help it!

    Once in a while, some old fashioned pumpkin pie just hits the spot, ya know?

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Gorges...
    Guess that there is a form of scum out there that would be considered "professional spammers!"

    Seems to be a lo5t more than usual to me.

    Thanks fore coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I reckon they show up all over due to the software programs they use.

    Believe me, that pie hits the spot this morning!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I really didn't want to do things this way, but from now on it's time to play hard ball!

    It's a shame, but necessary.

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I've been bouncing around from one to the other, but I think I've just about got it figured out now!

    Guess this sort of thing keeps us on our toes, huh?

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

    Hey BBC...
    Sooner or later I guess we all have to make a few changes.

    Many thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    It's not actually new, but refurbished. Still, it has a year warranty onit, so that's a good thing!

    Gotta do something to stop these spamming jerks!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

    Hey JMD...
    The weather here is bouncing back and forth between Spring and Fall! Wind has really been blowing like crazy!

    I'm ready for some planting weather! How about you?

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sissy...
    It has been crazy with the wind, hasn't it? At least here it hasn't been a cold wind!

    I sure appreciate you coming over today!

  14. Wuz really windy here for two days, really nice today though.
