Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday Mystery In Massachusetts...!

It's always nice to find a good mystery right here in the U.S., don't you think?

Some of you guys living up north might have heard of this place before. If so, maybe you could tell us a little more about it. I love a good Monday mystery, ya know?

The Bridgewater Triangle

The Bridgewater Triangle is an area of about 200 square miles (520 km2) within southeastern Massachusetts in the United States. Since colonial times the area has been a site of alleged paranormal phenomena, ranging from UFO and “black helicopter” sightings (including many with multiple points of corroboration including police and a local news team), to poltergeists and orbs, balls of fire and other spectral phenomena, various “bigfoot” sightings, giant snakes and ‘thunderbirds’, as well as the mutilation of cattle and other livestock. Central to the area is the mysterious and largely untouched Hockomock Swamp, which means “the place where spirits dwell”, and which was called “The Devil’s Swamp” by early settlers. The Triangle also has been known to house several Indian burial grounds.

One of the most common phenomena reportedly observed in the area is “spooklights” or what otherwise matches the description of will-o’-the-wisp, sometimes known as ghost lights which are typically seen in boggy or swampy areas. The behavior of this phenomenon is consistent with mysterious lights allegedly observed within the Bridgewater Triangle, including those which are said to appear along train tracks every January.

It sure would be nice if anyone has any personal knowledge about this place. I love first hand stories about this sort of area!

How about coffee on the patio? I got a bag of mandarins (seedless oranges) that would sure go good for an early snack!


  1. Well, it IS Massachusetts, and satanists ARE know to mutilate animals.

  2. Hey Gorges...
    Guess strange things happen in every state. Most of the time we just don't hear about them!

    I certainly appreciate you coming over this morning!

  3. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)February 4, 2013 at 3:36 AM

    Don't think it would be a place for a weekend get-away! NJ has so many odd things going on that we have our own magazine called 'Weird NJ'!
    Just love mandarins, but they are so expensive up here. It's cold again today - only 12 outside. Brrrr

  4. Those are some strange goings on in MA. That could explain the Salem Witch Trials. MA is an interesting state to visit, but don't know as I would want to live there, especially after hearing about these strange things. Coffee on the patio sounds good; only 13 degrees here. Love mandarin oranges, thanks for offering.

  5. Would love to hear from some one up that way and get their take on this. I'll check back later to see if anyone has commented.

    Coffee on the patio sounds great.

  6. Hey Phyllis...
    Guess that magazines is a good indication of the strangeness in that area!

    Mandarins here are pretty cheap right now. A nice 3 lb. bag was only about 2.98...not bad for Winter!

    Back to the high 70s for the rest of the week!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    I've only seen pictures of the area, but have never been that far north for a visit. Maybe someday!

    I really appreciate you coming over this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    You are welcome to come by all you want, sweetie!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  7. Wow, Hermit, I love your mysteries. They make me wonder.

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    I'm sure glad that you enjoy them. As long as I can entertain a bit, I'm a happy camper!

    Thanks, buddy, for wandering by this morning!

  9. Hmmm...I'm consumed with my own mystery this week. Again. Husband came home some time back with a peculiar dusty-looking gray-white smudge on his dress pants. It did not wash out. Further, it spread to other things in washer.

    These clothing items were thrown away, finally....and then, my new black jeans? Suddenly polluted by peculiar gray white smudges...which DO wash out of jean material, but REappear.

    So, maybe I should just SEND all these TO the Bridgewater Triangle?
