Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bleeding Kansas On Western Wednesday...!

The rough road to statehood for many early territories, such as Kansas and Nebraska, was too often paved with blood.

Even before the War between the States, the rights of the voters in the newly established territories came under attack. Deadly conflicts became the norm, unfortunately. The rights of even the earliest citizens were never given, but were always earned!

Violence disrupts first Kansas election

In territorial Kansas' first election, some 5,000 so-called "Border Ruffians" invade the territory from western Missouri and force the election of a pro-slavery legislature. Although the number of votes cast exceeded the number of eligible voters in the territory, Kansas Governor Andrew Reeder reluctantly approved the election to prevent further bloodshed.

Trouble in territorial Kansas began with the signing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act by President Franklin Pierce in 1854. The act stipulated that settlers in the newly created territories of Nebraska and Kansas would decide by popular vote whether their territory would be free or slave. A few months after pro-slavery forces defrauded Kansas' first election, the Kansas Free State forces were formed, armed by supporters in the North and featuring the leadership of militant abolitionist John Brown. In May 1856, Border Ruffians sacked the abolitionist town of Lawrence, and in retaliation a small Free State force under John Brown massacred five pro-slavery Kansans along the Pottawatomie Creek.

During the next four years, raids, skirmishes, and massacres continued in "Bleeding Kansas," as it became popularly known. In 1861, the irrepressible differences in Kansas were swallowed up by the outbreak of full-scale civil war in America.

The history of our whole country, with all our beliefs and freedoms was often bloody and always hard. Like we always say "freedom is never free!"

Let's have our coffee outside this morning. I'll set a plate of chocolate mint cookies out, OK?


  1. It's often told, and probably true, that the five people that John Brown murdered were not slave-holders, nor even slavery supporters. It was supposedly a matter of "mistaken identity." Yet, at Harper's Ferry, they make him out like a hero.

  2. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)March 6, 2013 at 6:10 AM

    We many have another civil war if the yokels in Washington don't get their act together.
    Chocolate mint cookies???? I want a doggie bag for the trip back home!
    Expecting more snow tonight and tomorrow. (sigh).....

  3. Seems like we as people will never get along until we learn to respect other peoples rights and opinions, especially if they differ from ours. And forcing our opinions and way of life on others who differ from us will always cause discord. Coffee outside sounds good. I'm digging out from yesterdays snow storm.

  4. The one constent here is the government. Of course this is very interesting post.
    Are those girl scout cookies?

  5. Morning HJ, I was almost afraid to look today just in case you had found some other enormous critter. lol Our last really nice day for a bit so I have to get enjoying it!

  6. Hey Gorges...
    That could very well be the truth! No way for us to ever know, I guess!

    Bloody times back then!

    Thanks for the visit this morning.

    Hey Phyllis...
    I think we would be more likely to have a revolution instead of a civil war.

    As far as Washington ever getting it together, that's not going to happen anytime soon!

    Sorry about your upcoming snow! Keeps on coming, doesn't it?

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    For whatever reason, folks have always wanted to fight over something. Getting along seems to be a far away dream!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    Yep, you can always find the government lurking somewhere close in times like the above.

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in this morning!

    Hey JMD...
    No big critters this morning, so it's safe!

    That storm seems to be hanging around all over your parts, doesn't it?

    Thanks for popping in today!
