Saturday, March 2, 2013

Let's Talk Internet Speed...!

I always considered my internet speed pretty fast!

Then I found this article on Listverse that really changed my mind. I would have never guessed that the U.S. was that far down the list!

Internet Speed

Since you are on the Internet right now, you’re likely not among the sizable US population for which getting a high-speed Internet connection is a royal pain. Sure, Internet speeds are pretty good in a lot of areas, and have improved steadily over the last ten years. And sure, we don’t have much trouble streaming movies and downloading songs. But number one in Internet speed? Not even close: America isn’t even in the top ten.

The reason for this is a sort of disharmony between Wall Street and Internet service providers. The nature of Wall Street tends to penalize carriers for making longer-term investments that won’t realize maximum short-term profit: investments such as infrastructure, for instance. Working mostly with existing infrastructure means that speed increases are minimal and incremental, which leads to your ISP having little excuse to jack up the price of your service. While this is great for you, it’s not so great for your ISP, who can’t increase profits enough to improve infrastructure without help from investors—who, again, don’t give a damn about long-term investment, just short-term profits.

For years, the leader in Internet speed has been South Korea, whose willingness to invest in improving technology combined with their population density (a quarter of the population lives in the city of Seoul alone) makes it comparatively easy to provide blazing speeds to a large slice of the populace. Recently, Hong Kong has challenged South Korea for the title, with Japan perennially in the top five. The US currently ranks fourteenth in the world.

Since I really don't want to live in any of these other countries, I'll settle for my present speed and just tell myself that it's faster than I thought! After all, who wants to live in a place where a full quarter of the country's population lives in one city? Certainly not me!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. I'm thinking some kolaches would be nice, OK?


  1. exceeded expenditure on electronics here ages ago...'puter?,, old(crt)...stereo?, well the turntable is a dead giveaway...hell i could still pop in a 8-track if pressed, only tech here is for the x-box, HDTV there(makes a difference)...InternetSpeed(?) whats that, it works or it doesn'

  2. Hey Ken...
    Like I said, I'll just keep telling muself that my 'puter is fast! It gives me a chance to fill my coffee cup again while waiting for it to connect to something. That's a good thing, right?

    Good to see ya again, brother! Thanks for coming by this morning!

  3. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)March 2, 2013 at 2:31 AM

    Our cable company charges a fortune for so-so speed, but it sure does beat dial-up!
    (Ken: I still have my 78 records!)
    Kolaches! Yummy, and I don't care what they are filled with!

  4. I'm just happy to be able to get cable Internet out here in the woods. If it wasn't for that fact the owner of a cable company likes to camp nearby and wanted Internet, I'd have really slow speeds. He made the town a fantastic offer, just so he could have Internet at the campground.

  5. The guru sometimes gripes about that, in part because his employer won't even keep up with what technology that we DO have in this country.

  6. If I had a chance to move to remote property without internut that would be just fine with me.

  7. It's faster than it used to be. I remember waiting for what seemed like forever to have a website come up. I'll stay happy with what I have.

  8. Since I switched to cable for my computer instead of dial up, I think my computer is fast. So if I "think" it is fast it must be and that's what counts. Plus that is what the internet tells me and if they say it on the internet it must be true. Right? lol. Coffee outside sounds good to me. Thanks

  9. WOW But no I don't want to live in a crowded place like that and My internet is fast enough for me.

    Pass the pot please. then off I go to get grocerys

  10. Funny that this subject arises now since I just signed up for high speed for high $! Ah, HaHa, what a trick played on me! It's NOT working; in fact, the whole system is screwed up completely; can't get a video to play to save my life. My question is: why do companies lie to customers? A real shell game they are playing - all for the love of money! Heartsick with a flat purse.

  11. My son lives and works in Japan. Over there they would not waste their time on anything as slow as our "fast" internet.

  12. Hey Phyllis...
    We have come to the point where we accept what the Big Companies tell us how good we have it, then raise the prices!

    The sad thing is...we allow it!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Sounds like you got lucky in the cable department. Good deal!

    Now if there was just something worth watching on television...

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey Gorges...
    You would think that a business owner would try and stay updated to the best service and equipment he could get!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey BBC...
    I'd go along with that! I love the thought of being in the country!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    You're right about that! A lot faster than it used to be!

    Sure beats dial-up!

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Linda...
    Sure! If the 'Net says so, it must be true!

    Like you, I'll take what I can get for now!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    I just can't imagine living in a crowded place like that!

    Fast enough for me, as long as I don't have to fight the crowds.

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Sissy...
    The fun starts for real when you try and get the service department.

    Good luck getting it fixed!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Bob...
    It will be a real let down when he comes back to the states.

    Where does he work ? Beautiful country from what I can tell!

    Thanks for dropping in!

  13. Hermit Jim in my opinion there are many things this once great nation ranks poorly in the rating and so long as we continue to be dummied down by the social and political propagandists it won’t be getting better any time soon.

  14. Even if they think it is slow it is blazing fast compared to way back when I first got on line.

  15. Interesting, I didn't know this and funny it was your post for today since our high-speed internet has been a pain in the butt lately. It comes and goes as it pleases and the provider says there is no problem. Oh well it still beats dial-up. :)

    have a great day!

  16. Hey Free Trapper...
    I'm afraid that you hit the nail on the head. Looks like we are in for a long and bumpy ride!

    I sure appreciate the visit today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I have to agree with you. I just didn't know that slow was all relative!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

    Hey Felinae...
    Good to see you again! I hate it when the 'net cuts off and on, especially with the prices being what they are!

    Thanks, girl, for coming over today!

  17. It doesn't have to be fast as long as you believe them when they tell you it's fast. How many of the remarks today talked about it being 'better' than dial up?
    That's like saying, "Yes, my bicycle is faster than walking" and pay no attention to those folks over there who have cars or even airplanes!
    (we are not even in the top 10!)

    As long as you believe the advertisements and they keep making big profits all is right with their world.
    They have no reason to invest in higher speeds.
