Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Paddy's Day Cartoons...!

I couldn't let St. Patric's Day go by without a few 'toons for this Sunday!

True, these are a tad different than those we normally watch, but I think they fit the celebration!

See? I told ya these were different!

I just love the way Droopy talks. Can't help myself!

And what would an Irish day be without some good ol' dancing...Irish style?

Now that you've had your exercise for the day, it's time for some corned beef and cabbage, don't you think?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Beautiful day on the outside!


  1. The first one was just so cute. haha You find the so many unusual things. I don't have th patients to look for this stuff.
    It is a beautiful morning for the patio and coffee.

  2. Hey Jo...
    Glad you liked it, sweetie.

    Thanks for coming by this morning.
