Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How About A "Snow Donut"...?

Because we had so much snow, and many places are still getting another round, I figured that we would look at a cool feature of this white stuff!

People make some fairly impressive creations using snow, but I think that Mother Nature once again proves that She can outdo our puny attempts!

Snow Donuts

You know how when you were a kid, and it snowed outside, the first thing you did was roll up a nice big snowball? You either threw it at somebody’s face or made a snowman with it (depending on what type of kid you were), but that’s not the important part of the memory right now. The important thing—the fantastic thing—is that nature has its own way of rolling snowballs: snow donuts. These rare shapes are formed—under perfect temperature conditions only—when a mass of snow either falls or is blown by the wind. If it manages to catch on to some other snow, and gravity or the wind is in its favor, then the new snowball will roll itself in the exact same way we all used to. In this case, though, the middles tend to collapse to create a donut shape, which can end up as tall as 26 inches (66 centimeters).

Now, don't get me wrong, but I think snow is very pretty on postcards! I just don't really want to live in an area where it is a regular occurrence. Been there and done that! I'll settle for a little frost once or twice during the Winter!

Coffee outside again this morning. I have some donut holes with powdered sugar! That OK?


  1. I hear them called "snow-rollers" around this area. I've lived here all of my 57 years and have only seen them three times.

  2. Hey Gorges...
    I would imagine that they are pretty to look at! Nature sure can up with some big surprises!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  3. Unique Nature. I too could live with only a couple of minor frosts, Hermit. I always dread cold weather - old bones, you know.

  4. I love donuts - of ANY kind!!!!

    Phyllis (N/W Jersey)

  5. Those are so cool. Mother Nature is so creative. I have never seen one and I have lived in WI most of my life. I really don't care for snow and really don't like the cold. My goal is to move further south someday before I am too old to enjoy the outdoors. Coffee outside sounds wonderful to me.

  6. Bubba -

    These are great! I've never heard of them, but would love to see one. And, like you, don't really need the snow ~ been there done that, got the frostbite to prove it (just kidding). But snow donuts? Way cool - in every sense of the word! God does indeed have a sense of humor!

    Big hugs ~

  7. That is cool, I had never heard of them before. Thank you for bringing attention to us.

    I'll take a round of coffee. Please

  8. When I lived up north as a kid, I always liked to take walks in the woods on cold, crisp winter nights when there was crunchy snow and moonlight. A beautiful experience.

  9. Hey Sissy...
    Believe me, I know all to well about the old bones!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I kinda have a weakness for 'em myself! Guess we are in good company!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Without a doubt, Mother Nature can be very creative!

    Come on down south...we have plenty of room!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sis...
    I would like to see one, but don't want to have to deal with the snow to do so! I'll have to stick with the pictures!

    Thanks, Sis, for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Guess you won't get too much
    snow in Arizona...at least for a while!

    Thanks for coming over today, sweetie!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Winter up north has it's own sounds and they are certainly different than here.

    Some experiences like that have a way of staying with us!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

  10. Snow should stay in the mountains where it belongs.

  11. I've only seen snow donuts twice in my life but they are quite beautiful .......in pictures lol I too have old bones that find each winter harder to deal with. Getting out in the fresh air for coffee n donuts sounds great. Thanks for the info and invite and have a good day.

  12. The last time we moved 'not a real winter' was one of the requirements.
    I like to see the snow on the mountains, not have to fire up the snowblower to get far enough back from the house to see it there!

  13. Hey BBC...
    Sounds good to me!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Plenty of old bones here today to keep you company!

    Many thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Rob...
    I can certainly understand that! Warmer is better, without a doubt!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  14. I've seen some snow rolls a few times. The ones that look like jelly rolls. But never snow donuts! That would be something!
