Friday, April 26, 2013

Problems With The Internet Today...!

For some reason, Comcast is cutting off a lot today. I'm going to try and finish this post before it goes out completely, but no promises!

I wanted to share a little history about Mr. Pike this morning. This was one interesting man, to say the least! Too many times, folks like Pike get sort of lost in the shadows of more prominent figures and that's a shame!

Apr 27, 1813:
Explorer Zebulon Pike dies

After surviving two dangerous exploratory expeditions into uncharted areas of the West, Zebulon Pike dies during a battle in the War of 1812.

By the time he became a general in 1812, Pike had already faced many perilous situations. He joined the army when he was 15, and eventually took various military posts on the American frontier. In 1805, General James Wilkinson ordered Pike to lead 20 soldiers on a reconnaissance of the upper Mississippi River. Expecting to return before the rivers froze, Pike and his small band departed up the Mississippi in a 70-foot keelboat in early August. Slow progress, however, meant Pike and his men spent a hard winter near present-day Little Falls, Minnesota, before returning the following spring.

Less than three months later, Wilkinson ordered Pike to head west again. This time, Pike and his men explored the headwaters of the Arkansas River, a route that took them into Colorado. There, Pike saw the towering peak that now bears his name, and he made an ill-advised attempt to climb it. Grossly underestimating the height of the mountain and dressed only in thin cotton uniforms, Pike and his men struggled with deep snow and sub-zero temperatures before finally abandoning the ascent.

During this second expedition, Pike also became lost and wandered into Spanish-controlled territory. A Spanish patrol arrested him and took him into custody. Although Pike had indisputably lost his way, he had also hoped the Spanish would capture him so he could see more of their territory. This risky strategy paid off. Failing to recognize they were providing Pike with a golden opportunity to spy on the territory, the Spanish obligingly moved their prisoner first to Santa Fe and then to Chihuahua, before finally releasing him near the U.S. boundary at Louisiana.

Impressed with his daring and his reputation as an efficient officer, the military promoted Pike to brigadier general during the War of 1812. Having survived two perilous journeys into the Far West, Pike was killed on this day in 1813 while leading an attack on British troops in Toronto. He was 34 years old.

I have a feeling that a more careful study of history would find many more stories of folks like Zeb Pike, don't you? It's worth a shot!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. I have some chocolate fudge pie I'll share!


  1. I didn't know ANY of that. Thanks for posting it!

  2. How rugged and strong men were back then! Hard to believe how much territory they covered by walking or on horseback. You always have something interesting, Mr. Hermit and now we know how that mountain got it's name! Chocolate fudge? - I'll be right there!

    Phyllis(N/W Jersey)

  3. All that occurred before he died at 34 ? Wow, there was a young man who did and saw a lot, he lived his on a dead run.

    Thank you HermitJim - yeah, noticed the Interwebz is running slow this morning too.

  4. It's a shame how schools teach history. They take an interesting subject and suck the life out of it.

  5. You find such interesting people to write about. What an interesting life Pike lead. Coffee outside sounds wonderful - still very cool here. Have a great weekend.

  6. Thank you for the history lesson. I haven't read much on Pike. But like you said some just fell throw the cracks.

    The wifi here is very slow and even my mifi isn't doing that great.

    I'll take a refill please.

  7. Back in 1959 I got the chance to get up to the top of that mountain. Back then the road was not paved and there were few if any guard rails and it had many switch-backs.

  8. Hey Gorges...
    Glad to add to the knowledge base! Always fun to learn new things!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Certainly a tougher breed back then, without a doubt!

    Glad you found it interesting and that you could come over today!

    Hey Anon 5:28...
    Certainly lived life to it's fullest!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    We sure missed a lot of interesting folks because of the way history is taught!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    I always enjoy finding out about these folks myself! Makes history really come alive.

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I figured that you might have read about Pike already!

    Crazy 'net today. I reckon it's weather related!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over this morning!

  9. Hey Dizzy...
    I hear that the trip up the peak is nerve racking! Might really be fun with the motor home!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  10. I don't believe anyone has taken a motor home up there. I don't think it could get around the switchbacks.

  11. Appreciate it for your record session. I have not go through a lot with Pike. Yet just like you said several simply fell into put the actual cracks.alternative currencies
