Tuesday, April 16, 2013

That Special Feeling...!

I'll bet that some of you have felt the effects of this before, but probably didn't know there was a name for it!

Did you ever have one of the "virtual pets?" Many of us did. If you knew about them, you saw just how popular they were. You might say they were the Iphone of their day! Here is a little history of this effect and an explanation of the whole thing, thanks to our fine friends at Listverse!

Tamagotchi effect

Ah, the Tamagotchi. If you lived through the 1990s, you probably owned one, knew someone who did, or at the very least knew about them. As of 2010, over 76 million of the little electronic critters have been sold worldwide. A Tamagotchi, for those of you scratching your heads, is a small, hand-held “digital pet” invented in 1996 in Japan. A Tamagotchi’s owner is responsible for, among other tasks, feeding, administering medicine, disciplining, and cleaning up after it.

The Tamagochi effect is the psychological phenomenon of owners becoming emotionally attached to a robot or other digital object. A person may come to see their relationship with a Tamagotchi, a cell phone, a robot, or even a piece of software as a viable emotional relationship. Research suggests that the Tamagotchi effect is seen in all ages, and has both positive and negative psychological implications for a person’s mental health.

Isn't it nice to find out there is a name for that special feeling you may develope toward your favorite electronic toy? Does that make you feel much better about it? If so, I have to say that I worry a little about you, my friend!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. We can sit here and smell all the roses!


  1. Whew! Glad I missed having one of those things. Seems some people need to get a life.
    Make a big pot of coffee today - I'll bring the donuts!

    Phyllis(N/W Jersey)

  2. When I saw how people got attached to them all I could do was think about how silly getting attached to electronics could be.

  3. Never had one, never wanted one.

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    Donuts sure sound great! Sorry you didn't get to enjoy the experience!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Sure were alot of folks acting like they were alive, weren't they? Kinda spooky in a way!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  5. I am so glad I missed that part of life. I don't want to ever get so attached to an inanimate object that it rules my life. Make a big pot of coffee as I didn't sleep well last night.

  6. Never heard of it before I don't even remember my Grandkids having this thing.

    Coffee sounds so wonderful out on the patio. And to smell some roses at the same time. Yes

  7. Hey BBC...
    Many folks never had one and others had several!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    I have my hands full with my cats! In fact, I now have 4 brand new kittens (born last night) to occupy my time!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  8. "attached to an electronic gadget": How about the computer? Cell phones? It drives me nuts trying to avoid those drivers or strollers who are one-handed! Those too are controlling many lives. Been wanting a DONUT badly - be there soon. Save me one.

  9. Hey Linda...
    A lot of us have a very close bond with our computers, but not as bad as those folks did with the "virtual pets!"

    Sorry you didn't sleep well! I'll make some extra coffee!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Believe me, you didn't miss a lot! Silliness compounded!

    Thanks sweetie, for stopping by today!

    Hey Sissy...
    I never did quite understand the constant use of the cell phone. I have one, but mainly for emergency use!

    Just be glad we don't all have robots yet!

    Thanks for dropping in this morning!

  10. I knew about them, but I preferred my dogs as pets and part of my family.
