Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Poe Toaster...!

Some little mysteries in life are really more enjoyable when left unexplained.

Part of any mystery is the fun of not knowing or understanding the why. By not knowing, our minds can fill in the blanks and add to the mystery by making up our own version of the why. Sort of makes the mystery more interesting, don't you think?

The Poe Toaster

The Poe Toaster is the nickname given to a mysterious man who pays annual tribute to Poe by visiting his grave every year. The strange tradition started in 1949 – a century are after Poe’s death, and it occurs every year on the author’s birthday (January 19). According to Wikipedia: “In the early hours of the morning on that date, a black-clad figure, presumed to be male, with a silver-tipped cane enters the Westminster Hall and Burying Ground in Baltimore, Maryland. The individual proceeds to Poe’s grave, where he or she raises a cognac toast. Before departing, the Toaster leaves three red roses and a half-bottle of cognac on the grave."

The Toaster wears a black hat and coat and hides his face with a hood or scarf. Groups of reporters and admirers are often on hand to watch the event. There have been no attempts to interfere with the Toaster or to unmask him – most likely out of respect for the tradition.

See, I really don't want to know why the toaster does what he (or she) does. Just the fact that someone spends a little time every year paying respects to someone that is no longer with us somehow gives me some small comfort. I can't explain it, but somehow...it does.

Coffee inside this morning. The weather is going to be warm, but rain is expected.


  1. Sadly he hasn't shown up for a couple of years. I hope someone else carries on the tradition. Would be a shame if it truly stopped forever.
    Coffee inside is fine - it's 34 here.
    I'll bring a blackbeery pie for all to enjoy.

    Phyllis (N/W Jersey)

  2. Very interesting tradition. More power to whomever it is. It is kind of like me - I go to my parents grave every Memorial Day and put flowers on the grave site and then proceed to "talk" to my parents. Wonder if anyone will do the same for me?

  3. That is kind of cool . . . no harm, no foul. Neat tradition.

  4. This story has always been a mystery and ongoing. There has to be someone else carrying the tradition on by now, wouldn't you think?

    Pass the pot please.

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    You have to wonder just why they stopped coming.

    I too hope someone carries on the tradition.

    Bring on that pie! I'm ready!!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Boy, do I ever agree with that! I'm ready for some Spring with dryer weather!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    I guess that we all wonder if anyone will visit our burial site. If we are remembered like Poe, that would be cool!

    Many thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Anon 7:40...
    Does have a nice tender touch to it, that's for sure!

    Thanks for dropping by today

    Hey Jo...
    I would certainly hope that someone has taken over the tradition. It would be a shame to see it die.

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  6. This is a mystery I like :-)
    Perfect that they never tries to unmask the person :-)

    Have a great day!

  7. Hey Christer...
    It is good that their secret is being kept. Always more enjoyable that way!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  8. Poe had such a tragic and sad life. Good to see a fan paid respects.

  9. There is not enough cognac in the world to toast those I think deserve it. Nor, contrary-wise, enough in my bladder to anti-toast the other kind of deserving dead.

  10. Hey Sixbears...
    Poe certainly had his share of bad times. Guess he was entitled to have some respect after his death!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Syrbal...
    I totally agree with you on both points. Especially on the part about the anti-post!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  11. I have often wondered if somewhere, in some cemetery, there is a small stone bearing a name no one would recognize and a small epitaph: "The Poe Toaster". Perhaps someday someone will find it. And actually, the mystery will deepen. For knowing the man's name would reveal the "who", but not the "why". And we would all continue to wonder as we do now....just why did he do it?
