Monday, May 27, 2013

Another Triangle Mystery For Monday...!

There is just something about these mysterious triangle places that captures the imagination, ya know?

We have more of these places here in the states than I would have thought. I wonder if I could get some certain folks I know to go and check them out? Just a thought...

Bridgewater Triangle

No, seriously—stay away from triangles. Especially this one. The Bridgewater Triangle, an area of about 200 square miles in Southeastern Massachusetts just south of Boston, is like an all you can eat buffet of the supernatural.

Among other things, the area has been subject to numerous cryptozoological sightings. Since the 1970’s there have been several reports of tall, hairy, ape-like creatures roaming the swamp. There have also been numerous sightings of Thunderbirds, giant Pterodactyl-like creatures that have been seen fighting in midair. In 1976 there was a report of a man who saw a giant, ghostly, red-eyed dog rip the throats out of two of his ponies.

Besides these cryptids, there have been numerous reports of mutilated animals (mainly cows and calves) in the region. Some credit these mutilations to satanic cults, but no one has come forward and no one even knows where the animals came from.

As if all this weren’t enough, the Bridgewater Triangle is a hotbed of UFO sightings, dating all the way back to 1760, when a “sphere of fire” was reportedly seen hovering over New England. Since then there have been numerous sightings of unexplained objects in the sky—including mysterious black helicopters. One from 1976 describes two UFOs landing along Route 44 near the city of Taunton, and another from 1994 recounts a strange triangular object with red and white lights seen by a Bridgewater Law Enforcement Officer. In 1908 on Halloween night, two undertakers who were traveling to Bridgewater noticed in the sky what looked like a “giant lantern”. They watched it for almost 40 minutes before it disappeared.

Bermuda isn’t looking so bad anymore.

I don't think I want to live any where near this place. I have enough strange things going on here in Houston, if you know what I mean.

How about we take a chance and have coffee out on the patio this morning. Biscuits and jelly on the side, OK?


  1. I've heard of the place. Thanks for the reminder! :-)

  2. People have no idea how much woods and swampland is near Boston. There's weird stuff out in the New England woods. Not just me.

  3. Wow! Have your friends check this out some more - would be interesting to learn more about it. A lot of stuff always going on here. We even have our own magazine called Weird New Jersey. Biscuits and jelly sound great - its 35 here but supposed to warm up to 75.

  4. I feel like I've been deprived... all I've ever heard about is Roswell, NM. And to think I missed all that when we've been in the New England states!

  5. Our world is full of unexplained things. It in my opion and we all know that isn't worth a hill of beans. Is it is magnetic energy. There are probably lots of them all over the world. But that's just my 2 cents worth and we know what that will buy these days.

    I would love to sit with you out on the patio for some coffee.

  6. Sounds like a good place to load up our weapons and take a camping trip.

  7. Hey Gorges...
    Ever been there? Gotta love a good mystery!

    Thanks for coming over!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I guess we all have certain places in our home state that has strange goings-on.

    Probably spooky spots within driving distance of your place.

    Stay warm, my friend, and thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I didn't know about the magazine! You folks up there must be special!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Essay...
    So many places that have strange stories to tell.

    We could never tell them all, I reckon!

    Thanks so much for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    There are probably a lot of stories associated with the area where you are! You should check it out!

    Plenty of room, sweetie! Thanks for joining us this morning!

    Hey Duke...
    Might make for an exciting trip, that's for sure!

    Sounds like fun to me!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  8. That show where they are always looking for Big Foot came up here it said they roam in broad day well they didn't find anything as usual. Sedona has some places people go to for healing called Vortex. No one I know has ever felt anything different.

  9. Love a good mystery...Not sure i'd want to see it firsthand tho...Hope i'm not to late for biscuits sounds yummy!

  10. hi. about 50 years ago in Huntington, W.Va., we glanced up at dusk in time to see a ufo zip across our 'holler'. my mother didn't see it but my neighbor did. i asked if she would call the police but she said she did not want to be laughed at.
    she told me to call but i was just a kid whereas she was a married lady so i didn't do it either.
    years alter my husband told me he and other students at scarsdale, ny were out in the evening and a bunch of these things for an hour or more made formations and zipped faster than possible in and out of view.
    they all saw it and no, they were not drinking alcohol.
    Duke, you go but i'd load up the holy water if i were you!!! actually, don't go at all.
    deb harvey
    p.s. how many millions of us see things and never tell? scary.

  11. hi. about 50 years ago in Huntington, W.Va., we glanced up at dusk in time to see a ufo zip across our 'holler'. my mother didn't see it but my neighbor did. i asked if she would call the police but she said she did not want to be laughed at.
    she told me to call but i was just a kid whereas she was a married lady so i didn't do it either.
    years alter my husband told me he and other students at scarsdale, ny were out in the evening and a bunch of these things for an hour or more made formations and zipped faster than possible in and out of view.
    they all saw it and no, they were not drinking alcohol.
    Duke, you go but i'd load up the holy water if i were you!!! actually, don't go at all.
    deb harvey
    p.s. how many millions of us see things and never tell? scary.
