Friday, May 3, 2013

How About A Treasure Hunt...?

I guess that nearly all of us are fascinated by stories of treasure, buried or just hidden!

I can only imagine that finding something like this one would be enough for most folks, but there is always a chance that instead it might feed the urge to find some more! Either way, it would be exciting to say the least!

Yamashita’s Treasure at Bacuit Bay

In Palawan, Philippines, Bacuit Bay is an island that on its own should be considered a treasure. Bacuit Bay is small, yet boasts a legendary story about Tomoyuki Yamashita’s lost treasures. A decorated general for the Japanese Army, it is speculated that Yamashita hid treasure in the caves of Bacuit Bay in the 1940s. Yamashita obtained his treasures by looting many bordering countries during the 30s until World War II. Yamashita’s treasures includes loot from Malaysia, India, Thailand and Burma, which were all shipped to the Philippines prior to their final destination—Japan. Unfortunately for Yamashita, Japan surrendered while he was still in the Philippines. Prior to being captured and hung, Yamashita hid his treasure in 172 different places on the island. He and his crew assumed they would eventually come back for the treasure. Some sources estimate that Yamashita’s treasures could be worth billions today. In the 70s, Rogelio Roxas found part of the treasure. Unfortunately President Ferdinand Marcos confiscated his findings and the remaining treasure located in that particular tunnel. Roxas sued and was awarded $22 billion dollars. Although the Marcos and Roxas family continue to battle in court, based on the story, there are more caves filled with Yamashita’s other treasures.

I can't help but wonder what most of us would do with this much money. Guess we will never know, unless one of us just happens to find something like this in the backyard! Who ever finds it will share, right? RIGHT?

Coffee inside this morning. It's cold and rainy and just plain nasty!


  1. Too many muslims in the Philippines these days; I think I'll just stay in West Virginia!

    1. I like world history it is my subject to study things in popular culture throughout the world.

    2. Rogelio Roxas (1942-93) Filipino soldier locksmith thief and treasure hunter discovered the Golden Buddha a wartime treasure of General Tomoyuki Yamashita during World War 2 in the Philippines.

  2. I'd share - No way could anyone spend all that money by themselves.
    I bet us regular folks could make this world a better place with all that treasure!
    Tell Jo that I'm bringing a warm almond coffee ring for all to enjoy!

    Phyllis (N/W Jersey)

    1. I am introduced myself my name is Wayne Moises of California United States.

  3. If you had that much money all of a sudden, every family member you know or didn't know you had would come out of the woodwork with a hand out. Me? I'd take care of immediate family's debt then disappear to enjoy the rest.

    1. Rogelio Roxas he is the former soldier turned treasure hunter and adventurer who discovered the Golden Buddha the valuable stolen treasure of General Tomoyuki Yamashita during World War 2 in the Philippines.

  4. Treasure hunters are an odd breed. I've known a few and they have more than a little crazy in them. Problem is, the crazy is catchy. Who wouldn't want to find a fortune?

    1. Rogelio Roxas a fictional character and historical figure portrayed by Jestoni Alarcon in Filipino movies.

    2. Old friend of Rogelio Roxas is a former military officer in the Japanese Army who kept the secret treasure map & take it & bring to the province to search for the stolen loot during World War 2 in the Philippines.

  5. It goes to show you greed will get you nothing in the end.
    But I wouldn't mind 1 or 2 bars. I would share with my closest friends.

    It seems to have cleared here but it is cold! We got down to 28 last night and isn't much warmer now.
    Lets all cozy up in your nice warm kitchen. I'll bring some fresh ground coffee.

    1. Lihim ng Golden Buddha classic 1989 action adventure melodrama film based from a true story of the life of Rogelio Roxas who discovered the Golden Buddha the valuable stolen treasure of General Tomoyuki Yamashita during World War 2 followed by Yamashita Tiger's Treasure 2001 film.

    2. I am the fan of world history and literature in popular media throughout the world.

  6. Hey Gorges...
    Probably a lot safer staying in West Virginia!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I wouldn't mind trying to figure out where it would do the most good!

    Warm coffee ring? Yummm!

    Thanks for the goodies and the visit today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I'm sure that many relatives I didn't even know would suddenly find me!

    Disappearing sounds like a plan!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    My grandpa King was a treasure hunter and they say that he would disappear for months at a time!

    Always chasing the rainbow I reckon!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    I think that one or two bars would do me just fine!

    Fresh ground coffee will go good with the coffee ring Phyllis is bringing!

    Hey, we almost have the makings of a party! Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  7. I love to hunt for treasure. It is the kind of hunting where you don't kill anything. Actually, I only look for nature's gold still in the ground. I am getting itchy to go look for some more. Arizona is where I went before and loved it.

    1. Rogelio Roxas he is the former soldier turned treasure hunter and adventurer who discovered the Golden Buddha the valuable stolen treasure of General Tomoyuki Yamashita during World War 2 in the Philippines.

  8. Wish I could find some so I could find out what I'd do with it.

    1. Rogelio Roxas he is the fictional character & true to life historical figure in the Philippines.

    2. Rogelio Roxas in popular culture in TV films comicbooks animation and media throughout the world.
