Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Veggie Eating Plant...?

Now this is a plant that I have never heard of! Imagine, A carnivorous plant that likes veggies!

Like I said yesterday, just when I think I've seen it all...! Mother Nature is chock full of surprises, that's for sure!

Veggie-loving Pitcher

Like the dung-eaters, Nepenthes ampullaria is still technically a carnivorous plant, but has evolved to derive much of its food from alternative sources, boasting a number of unique adaptations for digesting leaves, petals and other vegetable matter that falls into its trap. Other pitchers would only get clogged by such unwanted rubbish, but ampullaria has repurposed its death-trap into its own personal compost bin, and can happily survive on very little else. Mosquito larvae and other aquatic insects may even colonize these living trash-cans and assist in the breakdown of collected litter.

Ya know, the folks over at Listverse can fill our heads with all kinds of trivia and unusual information! If you have never taken the time to check them out, you really should. I'm just saying...!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. I'll turn on the ceiling fan, 'cause it's hot outside!


  1. I like your posts. All the post have its own quality. Your this post is also very information about the Veggie Eating Plant.

    Kopi Luwak

  2. Hey Glan Deas...
    I'm glad that you like the post.

    I'm happy that you could drop in today!

  3. They even look like little stomachs!
    It's 49 here right now, but supposed to go into the high 70's later. How 'bout I bring a bowl of nice, fresh fruit to cool everyone off?

  4. Thanks for the link, HJ. I checked it out and could spend hours on that site and learn all sorts of fascinating things, which might leave little time for blog reading and posting. Staying indoors for coffee sounds like a great idea!

  5. I never new they could survive on plant matter. They are so interesting to look at. Of course Ihave never seen them except for pictures.

    The morning here are still on the chilly side until about 8:30 right now it's about 60 degrees.

  6. An odd sort of plant indeed! Interesting post as always. It's on the cool side here this morning, about 60°. Thanks for the invite!

  7. Hey Phyllis...
    Fresh fruit is always welcome at my house!

    Now that you mention it, they do look like little stomachs.

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Beatrice...
    It's a fact filled site, that's for sure!

    Always glad to have you come over for a cup!

    Hey Jo...
    So many interesting things out there and so little time!

    At 8:30 it's already in the 80s. Summer is going to be a killer this year!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

    Hey Momahen...
    I'm certainly glad you found the post interesting! Fun to find these things!

    We won't see those temps again until the Fall!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  8. I guess some of them eat bugs (meat) while others are vegetarians. Sounds like some people I know.

  9. Hey Dizzy...
    Guess we should just be glad that they can't move around! We might end up on the menu!

    Thanks for coming by, buddy!

  10. I thought all of those plants were meat eaters. Learn something new every day. It is a very beautiful plant.

  11. This comes to mind:
    I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad! Feed me, Seymour!
