Saturday, June 29, 2013

Oh, What A Tangled Web...!

Most of us don't think too much about how a mere handful of companies control so much of our food brand names. I know I didn't!

I personally think that it is just a smoke screen to confuse us all, and it seems to be working. Many of these parent companies would rather stay below our radar for some reason! Curious, isn't it?

They Give you the Illusion of Choice

Who would you rather give money to Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut or Taco Bell? Well it doesn’t really matter because all three are owned by the same company: Yum! Brands Inc.

Many familiar companies have a hand in a much more varied range of products than you would expect. Pepsi Co owns Quaker oats, which means it owns a huge variety of cereals, rice snacks, pasta dishes and even baking mixes. Pepsi also owns several chip companies and even some types of coffee.

But hey, maybe those types of products aren’t your thing, so you’re gonna completely ignore Pepsi by sitting home and enjoying a nice cup of Lipton Tea. Yeah, you see where this is going: Pepsi owns Lipton too.

See what I mean? You just never know who owns what anymore! More than a little confusing!

Coffee inside again today. I'm thinking that it's just too warm to sit outside, ya know?


  1. Wow..this didn't seem as complex untill it was all there in black n white....Guess you just don't know where our money will end up!

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    In a way it's scary that just those few companies control so many brands!

    Bet there are more than just these in the parent company list!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  3. What I would like to know is what food is manufactured in China! We had some good thunderstorms overnight, but it's still warm and humid here. I'll bring a chocolate pound cake for all to enjoy

  4. And many of those companies are probably owned by Monsanto. It's gonna be a hot one today.

  5. At least I get my coffee from a small fair trade organic importer. Eggs from the farm down the road.

    Glad my local farmer's market is open again. Bought $80 worth of locally raised beef. At least I know where some of my food comes from.

  6. It's amazing how some of these companies own so many labels. One never really pays much attention.

    We are finally able to do coffee on the patio here and then run in side and hide from the heat.

  7. Hey Phyllis...
    Now that chocolate pound cake sounds like something I could really get into!

    I'm thinking that this might be one of those times that I really don't want to know!

    Thanks for your visit today!

    Hey Momlady...
    You may be right, but it's too scary to think about!

    So far, it's only reached 90 here. Of course, that's at 10 AM, so I'm sure it's headed higher!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Sounds to me like you have a good area for some quality food stuff. That's a very good thing!

    Sure could use some locally grown veggies and beef!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Parent companies often slip by us!

    Hot everywhere, so I'm expecting a bad storm season! I hope I'm wrong!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  8. hi, chickenmom,
    deb harvey here.
    when we drive up to church camp through western pennsylvania we pass lots of apple orchards. i have noticed as the years go by that there are fewer of them kept up, which i thought strange considering the popularity of apples.
    last time we were at camp i looked at the label on the kids' apple juice.
    product of china!!!!
    we are blamed for wasting energy and made to feel shamed.
    how much fuel does it take to hike apple juice (with God only knows what is in it) all the way from china across the wide pacific?
    something is terribly wrong with this picture.
    God help us and our children!!
    thanks hermit for a lovely site. i read every day.

  9. hi, chickenmom,
    deb harvey here.
    when we drive up to church camp through western pennsylvania we pass lots of apple orchards. i have noticed as the years go by that there are fewer of them kept up, which i thought strange considering the popularity of apples.
    last time we were at camp i looked at the label on the kids' apple juice.
    product of china!!!!
    we are blamed for wasting energy and made to feel shamed.
    how much fuel does it take to hike apple juice (with God only knows what is in it) all the way from china across the wide pacific?
    something is terribly wrong with this picture.
    God help us and our children!!
    thanks hermit for a lovely site. i read every day.

  10. Hey Deb...
    It's a shame that we let so much locally grown food, or any food for that matter, go to waste...then import from other countries!

    We should change that, but the PTB don't show any signs of doing that!

    Thanks for being a daily reader!

  11. Same way with the media. You can read or hear a lie from 5 sources so you think it must be true. Then you find out they all belong to the same "empire".

  12. Frankly, I don't give a shit who owns what as long as the food keeps coming.

  13. They had an article about this not long ago here and I did get surprised.

    I rarely go to any fast food chains and we don't have many close to here where I live anyway :-) But that doesn't matter since they tend to own everything else anyway :-) :-)

    Have a great day!
