Saturday, June 8, 2013

Sweet Topic For Saturday...!

I don't think that I've ever met anyone that didn't like maple Syrup, and that certainly includes me!

It takes a lot of work to make the syrup from sap, and that is probably the main reason for the cost! Still, I'd rather have maple syrup than caviar, ya know? I can't picture caviar on pancakes!

Canadian Maple Syrup Heist

Maple syrup is one of the most expensive things you can pour on your pancakes. A bottle generally retails for well over $20. Part of the expense involved in the syrup is the great inefficiency in producing it. It requires anywhere from 5 to 13 gallons of maple sap to make just one quart of syrup. To make sure that it has enough to meet the international demand, the Canadian province of Quebec maintains a Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve. In 2012, during an audit, it was discovered that 6 million pounds of the syrup (worth about $18 million wholesale) had been stolen in a daring heist. This was not some smash and grab theft; it would have taken dozens of trucks to move so many barrels. In the subsequent months, several arrests were made, and some two-thirds of the missing syrup was recovered.

Seems like the folks that stole the syrup were not real sharp. How are you going to hide that many barrels and keep it secret? At the wholesale price, some might consider the risk worthwhile!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. How about some biscuits and MAPLE SYRUP?


  1. I read that article a while ago. The guy who owned the warehouse where it was found claimed he knew nothing about it. He reminded me of the little kid with chocolate on his face who swore he had not eaten chocolate.

    I, too, love maple syrup.

  2. When we were kids we had a huge iron stove with round removable plates on it. Every Sunday my Dad would make pancakes on them. The best part? Getting to pour the syrup from a tin in the shape of a log cabin!
    Biscuits and syrup? I'll bring the butter!

  3. When I have the funds I buy pure maple syrup. Especially since I grew up with the real stuff. I don't like chemical pancake syrup. It takes a while for me to go through a whole jug and I enjoy every drop.

  4. Sounds like they thought it was prohibition all over again. Moving truck loads of the stuff.

    I will always have some biscuits with you and coffee.
    Chick mom we had the same stove.
    I'll bring some fresh ground coffee

  5. Maple syrup, biscuits, good company and a hot cup of coffee. Sounds like a perfect Saturday morning. Thanks for the invite!

  6. Mamahen: Send you an e-mail the other day - check your spam folder!

  7. I'm with you, I'll take maple syrup any day over caviar. But some Russian friends eat caviar on blini. blini are like super thin pancakes. But I'll stick with the my soft & fluffy pancakes with loads of butter and maple syrup.

  8. Hey Linda...
    I don't see how you could NOT know it was there! Your description sounds right on spot to me!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Isn't it great how many of our memories are tied to food?

    I remember the syrup in a tin you talked about. I think it was called "Log Cabin" syrup!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    At least you were in the same area where a lot of it comes from! I sure would like to try the "real" stuff!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I guess that with that much syrup, you could make a LOT of money!

    Fresh ground coffee is good!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Momahen...
    Sounds like a good way to start the morning, doesn't it?

    I sure appreciate you coming over this morning!

    Hey Ladyhawthorne...
    I think your choice is more pleasing to my palate as well!

    Thanks so much for the visit this morning!

  9. Making it is more work than I want to do.
