Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Indians On Western Wednesday...!

Not often do we get a chance to read about the Indians setting the terms for a peace treaty, but today we do.

If you are one of the ones that root for the Indians instead of the cowboys, then you'll like this story! Might be one of the few times that I've heard of the Indians coming out on top in the negotiations!

Jul 30, 1863:
Chief Pocatello signs peace treaty

The Shoshone chief Pocatello signs the Treaty of Box Elder, bringing peace to the emigrant trails of southern Idaho and northern Utah.

Pocatello was a Bannock Shoshone, one of the two major Shoshone tribes that dominated modern-day southern Idaho. Once a large and very powerful people, the Shoshone lost thousands to a smallpox epidemic in 1781. The fierce Blackfoot Indians took further advantage of the badly weakened Shoshone to push them off the plains and into the mountains. The first representatives of a people who would soon prove even more dangerous than the Blackfoot arrived in August 1805: The expedition of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.

Anxious to establish good relations with the Americans in hopes of someday obtaining guns to fight the dreaded Blackfoot, the Shoshone welcomed Lewis and Clark and gave them the horses they needed to cross the Rocky Mountains. However, by the time Pocatello had become a chief 50 years later, the Shoshone realized the white people were more of a threat than the Blackfoot.

By 1857, Pocatello was a young chief who controlled an extensive territory around present-day Pocatello, Idaho. Pocatello was greatly alarmed by the growing number of Mormons who were traveling north from Salt Lake City and settling in Shoshone territory. The Indians and Mormons increasingly clashed, with both sides committing brutal and unjustified murders. Pocatello was determined to resist the white settlement. He led several attacks on the Mormons, killing or wounding several of them and stealing their horses.

In 1863, the U.S. government sent Colonel Patrick Connor and a company of soldiers into the region to protect American telegraph lines and, secondarily, the Mormon settlers. That May, Connor set out to track down Pocatello and his followers, but the Shoshone chief managed to evade the soldiers. On his own initiative, Pocatello then proposed a peace agreement. If the Mormons provided the Shoshone with compensation for lost game and land, Pocatello promised to cease his attacks. The Mormons accepted his terms.

On this day in 1863, Pocatello signed his "X" on the Treaty of Box Elder and the overt hostilities ended. As the Anglo settlers in the region grew more numerous and gained the support of the U.S. government, the Shoshone were confined to a reservation within their traditional territory. Pocatello died on the reservation in 1884. The nearby Idaho city of Pocatello was named for him.

From what I've read, the Mormons were just as savage towards the Indians as the Indians were against them. Guess it's true that there are always two sides to every story! We should always learn all the facts before making judgments!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Anyone want some coconut macaroons?


  1. It was and still is tragedy how we treat the American Indians. Instead of letting millions and millions of illegals into our country, how about we first make right the many wrongs that are still being implemented upon them. That should be our first priority. You always have good treats for us Mr.Hermit - make an extra batch - I'm hungry!

  2. When the government "helps" any group of people it becomes a downward spiral based on dependency. It was a form of socialism which never works because it destroys initiative.

  3. It really wasn't all that long ago, either.

  4. I think Chickenmom said it all this morning. We have treated the Indians horribly and do nothing to rectify this wrong. Yet we are worried about how poorly illegals are treated. What's wrong with this picture? Raining here this morning. Thanks for the cookies.

  5. Good story and really good comments. I agree.

    I will have a refill please, and cookies well of course. Going to be a hot one today.

  6. Mankind will probably never learn to live togther in peace. The native Americans were badly treated throughout the history of the U.S.

  7. Hey Phyllis...
    The main problems with making good the wrongs done to the native Americans is that first someone has to admit to wrong doing. That will never happen unless the issue is forced!

    In today's political climate, if you expose a wrong, you are considered a "traitor" by the PTB.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sunnybrook...
    No one in power wants folks to be non dependent. Dependency creates docile folks! Easier to control!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    You are so right! It really wasn't that long ago!

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Momlady...
    We know about the dependency thing, right?

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Don't get me started on the "illegals" thing. That's a big pet peeve of mine!

    Wouldn't blames the Indians for never trusting the government again!

    Hey Jo...
    Glad you liked today's discussion!

    I saved ya some cookies, sweetie!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Sad as it is, I think you are right! We humans seem to be a warring bunch!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  8. "We should always learn all the facts before making judgments!" - Good advice!
