Thursday, July 18, 2013

Remote Control Toys From Long Ago...!

Some things that we take for granted to be new...aren't. Take the remote control toys, for instance.

Come to find out, the first did not show up in the 1960's, and the actual date might just surprise you!

Remote-Control Toys

It’s generally assumed the first remote-control toys were produced in the 1960s, after the Italian toy company Elettronica Giocattoli produced the first remote-control car (a 1:12 scale model of a Ferrari 250LM) in 1966.

However, the first remote-control toy was actually invented in the late 1890s by—and this might not come as a huge shock to some people—famed inventor and Edison punchbag Nikola Tesla. At the 1898 Electrical Exhibition in Madison Square Garden, Tesla unveiled a remote-control boat outfitted with functioning lights, rudders, and a propeller.

Now do you see why Tesla has always been one of my heroes? The man was so far ahead of his time, he almost looks like he's from another world, or at the very least from another era! I love this guy!

Coffee in the kitchen again. I'm thinking it's time for some fresh fruit again!


  1. Never would have believed that! I'll have to read up on Tesla. To darn hot to do much outside here. Fresh fruit sounds good! Have some watermelon i'll share.....

  2. Tesla got a raw deal all around. He basically invented the modern world and gets little credit for it.

  3. Like Mamahen, I have to do some more reading! Brutal heat wave here. Stay cool everyone!

  4. My hubby is still into remote contra vehicles. I had no idea that Tesla invented them. Tesla is also my hubby's hero and I have to agree with Sixbears about Tesla getting a raw deal. Very hot and humid again here. I go outside long enough to get the mail and then I'm inside with the A/C cranked.

  5. I need to also read up on Tesla. To bad no pictures were available on this toy.

    I had to turn on the heater this morning it was that chilly. but mostly because it is so damp from so much rain.

    Pass the pot please.

  6. Thanks to Tesla, we have commercial altenating electric power. A man of vision.

  7. Hey Mamahen...
    Tesla was a pure genius, without a doubt! Too bad he was treated so badly by Edison!

    Thanks for coming over!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I couldn't agree more, my friend!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Tesla certainly makes for some interesting! Worth the research, that's for sure!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Sounds like your hubby and I have something in common.

    He had a sad personal life, though.

    Careful in this heat, as it can be dangerous!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    I think you would enjoy reading about him. Lots to admire about the man!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Certainly had a clear vision when it came to electricity!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!
