Sunday, August 4, 2013

After Church Cartoons...!

I say after church, but many might not go to "Sunday meeting" or church anymore. No can still enjoy the cartoons!

The whole point of cartoons is to bring back a bit of the "good days", if anyone can remember them. They really did exist and are not just a fable or made up story.

I wonder why so many folks like the Road Runner and the Coyote?

Some things just never seem to get old, know what I mean?

I always feel a little bit younger after the Sunday 'toons, don't you? Maybe that sounds silly, but hey...whatever works, right?

Let's do coffee out on the patio this morning.Very few flies thanks to the new fly trap!


  1. Good ones, Mr. Hermit! Do you think if we watched more 'toons we could get younger? Would be great if it did work! Coffee on the patio is fine - I'll bring a big box of D D's.

  2. I cannot watch a Road Runner cartoon anymore without thinking of Amazon when the coyote breaks out his Acme Catalog....

  3. I love the roadrunner and coyote. I just always remember my mom laughing and laughing. I guess that's why I love them too.

    I thought I might have my coffee out on the porch after working so hard to get it cleaned up. But it is sooooo humid again. So I will just pop over to your patio instead.

  4. Little late getting here but love a lazy Sunday and good laugh to start it :)) Nice to spend time chatting with friends as well! Thanks for the invite n have a good day.....

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    I don't know about actually getting younger, but feeling that way is just as cool!

    A big box of DD sounds great to me! Bring it on!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Rob...
    It does sort of pop up in the mind, doesn't it? Says a lot about our shopping habits!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Remembering the laughter of our parents is reason enough to watch.

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    No set time here on the Hermit's patio! I'm retired, remember?

    Thanks for coming over today!
