Friday, August 16, 2013

Endless Flames On Friday...!

Mother Nature can really put on a show for us, if we take the time to find it.

I've never seen one like this but I sure would like to! I can only imagine just how beautiful it can be. Probably could sit and watch it for hours, ya know?

Chestnut Ridge Park

Located behind a waterfall in Shale Creek Preserve south of Chestnut Ridge Park in Northwestern Pennsylvania lies a strange natural flame that is made even more beautiful and odd because you can see it through the falling water of the waterfall. Legend has it the flame was first lit by Native Americans thousands of years ago.

Though we know the Chestnut Rige Park’s fuel source (ethane and propane), scientists do not know where it is coming from or how it gets to the rocky enclosure. A recent study has determined the ground is not hot enough to ignite the gas and keep the fire burning, nor is the underground shale deposit at a depth where it should be able to fuel the fire. So how does the Chestnut Ridge Park natural flame work? More research is needed, but for now it remains a beautiful and mysterious phenomenon.

Ya know what? I really don't care what causes this flame, but I would certainly be the first to give thanks to the higher powers for nature's beauty such as this. We should take the time to appreciate the beauty of this world wherever we find it! That's my thought, anyway.

Coffee in the kitchen again this morning. The rain may come back and it's very hot and humid!


  1. Amazing!
    Having coffee inside here, almost feels cold here.

  2. Interesting! Might want to go see that! Coffee in the kitchen is fine - the humidity, not so fine!

  3. That is so cool. I don't care how it got there, I love it. Have a great weekend.

  4. WOW I would love to see that! I have never heard of it before. Yes the Higher Powers are at work here.

    Coffee in the kitchen is fine it is very humid here again too. Lots of thunder and lightening but no rain.

  5. Very interesting. Would love to see it. Here's a link to another article about the area.

  6. We have a place here that reputedly does something similar..a state park called "Flaming Geyser". We keep intending to visit (for nigh on 30 years now), but something always interferes; stuff like the road to it being rained out and the like.

  7. I lived in western Pennsylvania for the first half of my life (so far) and I never heard of that place. Next time I go back for a visit, maybe I should look it up.
