Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tom And Jerry For Sunday...!

Once again, it's time for the Sunday cartoons! Seems like we just had some, but guess it has been a week! Time going way too fast nowdays.

I don't know why, but I sure like ol' Tom and Jerry. I think it's the sound effects.

Good way to start the morning, if you ask me! Sitting around with friends and sharing a few grins! What could be better?

See what I mean about the sound effects? How cool is that?

That's really all I have for today. Let's go have our coffee out on the patio, OK?


  1. Love Tom & Jerry! Coffee on the patio sounds good - Scrambled eggs for everyone - I have a lot of 'em!

  2. Hey Phyllis...
    I haven't had any fresh eggs in a long, long time! Sounds pretty good!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  3. Well if Chickenmom is scrambling eggs, I'll slice up some fresh bread for toast and slice one of these melons. We'll have one heck of a nice brunch!

  4. I will bring some bacon and sausage.

    What a great Sunday we will have.

    Oh and of course the tunes were fun too. I don't remember ever seeing the last one with the elephant
