Saturday, September 28, 2013

Bees And Coffee...!

It's nice to know that bees have the same need for coffee that many of us. That morning buzz is more universal that we imagined!

I can just see it now...all of us gathered around the patio table, enjoying our morning coffee, when suddenly here come the bees to join us. Of course, they won't drink much as they prefer the flowers. How could we ever turn away another few coffee lovers?

Thanks to the folks over at Listverse, I have even more respect for the humble bee than ever before!

Coffee Contains Caffeine To Attract Bees

Every other coffee list on the Internet will tell you that coffee was discovered by goat herders, whose goats got a little jolly after munching on coffee berries. But why does coffee contain caffeine to begin with? Well, it’s toxic to slugs and other pests, but it turns out it also has an effect on pollinators such as bees. In fact, scientists think they get—wait for it—a buzz from the caffeine in the flowers of plants.

Scientists found that consuming caffeine helped bees to improve their long-term memories. The caffeine acts on the brain chemistry of bees in a way that makes the flowers more memorable, so the bees are more likely to return to plants of the same type. Though bees and humans are very different, some experts suggest the capacity to be affected by caffeine could be as old as the common ancestors we share, as it impacts our neurological activity on a very fundamental level.

I'm happy to know that Mother Nature lets us share our craving for caffeine with some of her finer creatures. Kind of a special feeling, being able to share!

Coffee on the patio this morning. I'm in the mood for sausage and biscuits, OK?


  1. Didn't know bees were so smart! Sausage and biscuits are a great idea - Ill bring the eggs!

  2. Too bad it doesn't help the short term memory.....hmmmm, now where was I?
    More coffee, please.

  3. Once the sun warms up a bit, I'll go outside and enjoy a coffee with the bees. They've been coming over for my fall flowers. Nice to see so many of them.

    There's a small farm down the road selling honey, so these might be their bees.

    Hmmm. . . maybe a dollop of honey in my coffee this morning.

  4. I did not know this. Very interesting. Sure does explain why I love my cup of coffee in the morning. Maybe the bee needs it's caffeine fix every morning too.

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    Besides liking caffeine, they make some mean honey!

    Thanks for the eggs and the visit!

    Hey Momlady...
    Mine is so far gone, nothing will help!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I like honey in my coffee pretty well! Any other way as well!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Can't say enough good things about our morning shot of caffeine, that's for sure!

    Thanks fort dropping by today!

  6. I went to the link and found it quite educational for me. I didn't know that nector had caffeine in it. Again, I learned something new from your blog.

  7. Hey Dizzy...
    Glad to know I could pass on some new fodder for the grey matter!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  8. Howdy Hermit Jim,
    Well now, whenever I sit out under the liveoaks, sippin'-up a cup, I guess I'll spill a little into the 'pie-pan' on the tale, so, the bees can have a drink, but all of the durn-burned yellow-jackets & guinea-wasps will probably sip it up, first... Thanx, for the knowlege, I didn't know that, but then I don't know much...
    Hope everyone got some eddikashun from this and they all have a HAPPY DAY...

  9. Not one to share my morning coffee, so the bees will need their own cups, HJ.

  10. Hey Butterbean...
    Your visits are always welcome and I'm glad you stopped by today!

  11. Hey Beatrice...
    I don't think they would mind!

    Thanks for coming over!
