Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dangerous Dolphins...!

This may be hard to believe, but I found an article about some countries around the world that actually trained Dolphins to play like warriors.

Things are bad enough when we train our own kind to go to war, but to take some of Mother Nature's creatures and train them as instruments of destruction is a bit much, in my opinion! The saddest thing about this, is that our very own Navy was part of this group and very possibly still is! Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

True to form, humans just love coming up with creative ways to kill each other. One crazy way has been enlisting the help of dolphins. Dolphins have been trained to do things like sweep for mines, incapacitate terrorists, and even kill.

Ahh, dolphins: Sweet, smart, delicious, and also capable of blowing your brains out. As animal lovers around the globe love to point out, our aquatic bottle-nosed allies are quite intelligent beasts. But as slightly more intelligent beasts, humans have figured out the best use for dolphins—as part of our militaries.

Thanks to their aforementioned intellect and superhero-like underwater sonar skills, our flippered friends are perfect for assisting human divers in locating underwater mines. In Iraq, the US used dolphins to clear harbors of mines which their technology could simply not detect without them. They are clever minesweepers as well, with the ability to distinguish between a mine and other underwater paraphernalia like coral or man-made debris. And it’s safe for the dolphins as well. Since there are so many aquatic animals in the harbor being swept, the mines are designed not to go off when fish, sharks, or dolphins swim by them; otherwise they’d be exploding all the time.

The dolphins are versatile, too. They can even be trained to kill. In 2000, a group of dolphins trained by the Soviets to kill enemy soldiers were sold to Iran. They were taught how to attack enemies with harpoons and even undertake kamikaze strikes.

It’s even happening closer to home for Americans. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, a group of military dolphins may have escaped into the Gulf of Mexico equipped with poison dart guns and with a license to kill. Well, not kill, but the poison could incapacitate any swimmers or surfers the dolphins mistook for an enemy terrorist.

The US Navy refused to confirm if the dolphins were missing, although they admitted they existed. So there’s every chance there could be a dart-loaded dolphin out in the ocean, just waiting for its next military mission. Guns don’t kill people; dolphins with guns kill people.

You can thank the folks over at KnowledgeNuts for this great little article. I wish it were made up, but sadly it isn't!

I think we should have coffee out on the patio this morning. Anyone want some cinnamon toast?


  1. Thank God they haven't figured out how to arm mosquitoes - we would be goners! Cinnamon toast? I'll bring the butter!

  2. I trained a bunch of chickens to attack intruders, they worked flawlessly during the training process but when an actual intruder drove up they ran away. They were even after months of training, still chicken.

  3. I heard about the use of dolphins but the US was also training killer whales to do the same thing. What will they think of next. Mmmm love cinnamon toast; I'll have a piece.

  4. Chickenmom, I think they may have trained the mosquitoes you should see my legs and arms even using spays.
    but it is a sad state of affairs that they are training these beautiful creatures and arming them as will. And it never fails they always manage to get free to do harm.

    Picking up my camper this morning so I'll have to pass on the patio.

  5. What would Flipper think of this? I also heard that they were trained to install magnetic expolsive devises on the hulls of ships.

  6. Hey Phyllis...
    Maybe they have figured it out. Judging from the numbers of 'skeeters I've been seeing, somebody is up to something!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Gorges...
    That about sums it up!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Sunnybrook...
    Just think of all that wasted training!

    I appreciate the visit this morning.

    Hey Linda...
    Who knows what they will come up with next? Always something!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    They are some thirsty little buggers, those 'skeeters!

    Glad you are finally getting the camper! Looking forward to pictures.

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    They probably were...wouldn't surprise me at all!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  7. Truth is nearly always stanger than fiction...and often more disheartening too! Coffee n cinnamon toast with real butter sounds great.....Thanks for the invite :))

  8. Truth is nearly always stanger than fiction...and often more disheartening too! Coffee n cinnamon toast with real butter sounds great.....Thanks for the invite :))

  9. America loves to find cool ways to kill others, the more expensive the better.
