Thursday, September 26, 2013

Let's Talk About Avocados...!

Nearly everyone I know likes the Avocados, mainly when it's made into a dip (guacamole) or when used on a sandwich!

I'll be the very first to admit that I never knew about this information I found over at KnowledgeNuts! This is why I love doing research! You can find out the most interesting things!

Avocados, The Toxic Berry
By Jamie Frater on Monday, July 15, 2013

Avocados are toxic to almost all animals (including cats and dogs). Humans are a rare exception. It is the only fruit to contain persin, a fatty acid, which, when eaten by animals causes vomiting, diarrhea, and other nasty symptoms. Consumption of large quantities can cause death within twelve hours.

Avocados are berries (fleshy fruits coming from a single ovary). Interestingly, this broad definition of a berry means that bananas, pumpkin, tomatoes, watermelon, and coffee are also berries (you can tell that to the next person who tries to argue that tomatoes are vegetables). Curiously this also excludes strawberries as berries.

Eighty percent of modern avocados originate from one “mother” tree which was patented by mailman Rudolph Hass from California in 1935. The tree survived until 2002 when it died of root rot. Unfortunately Hass only made $5,000 in his lifetime from his patent on the tree because his partner sold cultivars to anyone who wanted to buy them. Subsequently Hass spent the remainder of his life working for the California Mail Service.

Avocado also has an interesting characteristic: it is the only berry with no living animal large enough to spread it through consumption and release as dung. This has led scientists to believe that it co-evolved with prehistoric megafauna that were large enough to eat the fruit whole. The megafauna went extinct but the avocado remained as an unusual monument to an unknown dinosaur.

All I know is that I love them, especially as a side with some good Tex-Mex food! I like 'em sliced as well. I usually squeeze a little lemon on 'em to keep 'em from turning black!

Coffee out on the patio again this morning. Summer seems to be back with us again!


  1. More great facts! When I worked, there was a woman who would grow those from the pits. Had the all over the office. Warm here also at 52. Dunkin' Donut day!

  2. Thanks for this information; sure hope I've not given my puppers any in my past. Guess not, else they wouldn't still be with me. 25 dried seeds await my green thumb. YeHaw, avocado and tomato salad w/dab of mayonnaise in my future - I could eat my weight in this delicious treat. To think I snarled my nose at avocado in the long past!

  3. Funny, I didn't like them when I was younger, now I do. They do need some help in the taste department though. Send sun this way, please.

  4. Those are some great facts about avocados. I also like them but my hubby doesn't. I won't buy one for myself as I don't eat it that often. So I have to wait to eat them until we go out to dinner. would love some coffee outside - cool morning again here.

  5. I'm not a big fan, but they do add something to a well made sandwich.

    Guess we are the megafauna now.

  6. I saw a recipe the other day, you put an egg in the hole where the pit was & bake it for breakfast.
    Now if I can think of this again when I'm at the store....

  7. We eat them all the time in salads. I love them plain or with a little salt. Nothing else has such a satisfying taste and texture.

  8. That's very interesting! I LOVE avocados, any way, any how! lol!

  9. Love them (not many foods I don't love :) ) but find the info interesting! A bit milder today here about 56 this am n looking for high 70's for the high.....thanks for the invite n have a good day!
