Monday, October 21, 2013

Mister X On Monday Mystery...!

There are a lot of modern day mysteries out there if we take the time to look them up.

This particular one really isn't that much of a mystery if you read between the lines. Sure is strange for this day and age, though.

Mister X

Mister X was a modern-day “man in the iron mask,” a man kept in such complete seclusion in Israel’s Ayalon Prison that even the guards did not know his name. When the media got wind of this mystery man in 2010, rumors exploded as to his identity, with some believing that X was Ali-Reza Asgari, an Iranian Revolutionary Guard general kidnapped by the Mossad. In 2013, Mister X was finally revealed as Ben Zygier, a dual Australian-Israeli citizen who had been a member of the Mossad.

Zygier allegedly had espionage ties throughout the Middle East, including involvement with Hezbollah, as well as links to operations in Iran and Syria. Zygier was arrested in February of 2010, and 10 months later, hanged himself with a bedsheet in his allegedly “suicide proof” cell.

The nature of the charges against Zygier remain a mystery, but it is believed by many that he intended to sell state secrets to enemies of Israel. If so, the information must have been extremely sensitive to merit the bizarre circumstances of his incarceration. Even his suicide has been called into question. Zygier’s cell was under constant video surveillance, and reports indicate that his body was bruised. A muscle relaxant called succinylcholine was also found in his bloodstream.

Wonder just why it is that the different governments think folks will continue to accept all these lame excuses for disappearances and deaths? I firmly believe that the average man doesn't believe half of what their PTB tell them, so why keep up the charade?

Coffee out on the patio this morning, but you might want to bring a sweater!


  1. Hello Hermit, How are you Dear??? I like your this story of Mister X. It is also interesting as other. Good one.

    Kopi Luwak

  2. Dead men tell no tales, I guess. Cold here at 31 - I'll bring my coat!

  3. Hey Glan Deas...
    I'm glad that you liked the story today.

    Thanks for coming over!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Reckon that's about right! Lips sealed forever!

    Thanks for dropping by!

  4. Suicide is such an easy excuse for "cause of death" I don't believe it for a moment. Frost on the pumpkin here this morning, so I'll be wearing my jacket.

  5. The record of so called democracies isn't much better than dictatorships sometimes.

  6. I doubt that he hung himself. They must have tried to beat what ever he had out of him first. Maybe they did get their information and he was finished.

    44 here this morning so I will bring my jacket too. Nice hot coffee will take the chill out of our bones.

  7. Governments, by their nature, can never be trusted. I suppose that poor guy was trying to hang curtains made out of a bed sheet and slipped, fell, and hung himself. . .

  8. Hey Linda...
    Funny how many deaths are ruled suicides, isn't it? Especially in a case like this!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I'm afraid that you are right about that, my friend. Really sad!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I reckon that not too many folks think he hung himself. Just too convenient!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Yeah, that sounds good enough to me! As we used to say, "close enough for government work!"

    Thanks for the visit, buddy!
