Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Yosemite Founded But You Can't Visit...!

In one of the smartest moves by the government, the Yosemite Valley area was declared A national park.

In the establishing of national parks, the government actually did a favor to all Americans by saving some of these areas from becoming developed. Thank goodness for small favors! Now we can all enjoy them...if we go when the government isn't shut down!

Oct 1, 1890:
Congress creates Yosemite National Park

On this day in 1890, the United States Congress decrees that about 1,500 square miles of public land in the California Sierra Nevada will be preserved forever as Yosemite National Park.

Once the home to Indians whose battle cry Yo-che-ma-te ("some among them are killers") gave the park its name, Anglo-Americans began to settle in Yosemite Valley as early as the 1850s, eventually driving out the native inhabitants. Early settlers quickly recognized the unique beauty of the narrow Yosemite Valley with the sheer-faced Half Dome Mountain looming nearly a mile above the valley floor and three stunning waterfalls. At that time other awe-inspiring natural wonders like Niagara Falls were already becoming popular American tourist destinations, and a few early settlers tried to profit from the wonders of the Yosemite Valley by charging tourists hefty fees. But thanks to the popular paintings of Albert Bierstadt and the photographs of Carlton Watkins, Americans who would never see the magnificent valley in person began to call for its preservation from crass commercial development. In June 1864, President Abraham Lincoln agreed, signing a bill that ceded the small Yosemite Valley area, along with the Mariposa Grove of giant sequoia trees, to the state of California with the requirement that it be held as a national public trust "for all time."

But in subsequent years, the state of California proved a less than vigilant caretaker of the Yosemite, inspiring the famous naturalist John Muir to publish several widely read articles exposing the destruction of the valley by large herds of sheep that Muir called "hoofed locusts." In 1890, Muir's efforts, as well as those of the newly founded Sierra Club, convinced Congress that Yosemite would be better protected as one part of a 1,500-square-mile national park. Though later reduced in size to 540 square miles, Yosemite National Park has ever since been one of the most popular nature preserves in the world. Today the park receives more than four million visitors annually.

In spite of all the infighting and childlike antics of Congress, the National Parks are the treasures of our country that can be shared and enjoyed by all visitors. Of course, the doors will remained locked until the pissing contest is all over in the Capital. No telling how long that will take! On the best of days, it takes forever for the PTB to agree on anything!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. The patio is still wet and may stay that way for a while!


  1. No need to travel all over the world to see spectacular places. We have so much right here in the USA. Save your money for a really good trip while the idiots in Washington get their act together. 47 here - I'll bring apple turnovers for all!

  2. Love to join you all and we can talk about the beauty in our own back yards as well as the sorry state our government is in! CM apple turnovers sond yummy!

  3. We do have some pretty awesome National Parks here in the USA. I was very happy to read about the vets on the Honor Flight who stormed the WWII Memorial yesterday. If the Gov't had enough money to put up the barricades and manpower to stand guard they had enough money to keep those monuments open. Sunny but cool here this AM. Getting into the high 70's later on.

  4. Who's there to stop someone from visiting? I'd just go around the gates. It's OUR park, after all.

  5. It's a crime that the National Park Service can close a park which does not belong to them but instead to the citizens.

  6. These blood sucking morons are killing our country. Some people baulked at having to pay to go to these parks, I never did I understand it takes money to run them. But this is outrageous. I know many people who are headed to these parks right now or at least they were. I think like Sixbears said just go around let them try and stop thousands of people nice riot can come from this and it should. And can these idiots say European Tourists? With big dollars to spend here.

    Heaven forbid their pockets are only half full instead of overflowing. Their rapping their own country greedy pigs.

    Now I really need that cup of coffee please.

  7. Right places like Yosemite with several thousand honest tourists and a couple hundred crooks and no police or any other sevices like emergency rooms, toilets, restaurants etc. That would be a really good experience.

  8. Quote:
    UPDATE: Not only did the veterans submit a request to the Obama administration, which was rejected by the White House and the Department of the Interior, but the park police notified them they would be arrested if they tried to visit the monument.

  9. Beautiful, beautiful place. I was lucky enough to visit there a few years ago.
