Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Disneyland Secret...!

Did you know that Disneyland, home to the biggest mouse in the world, is also home to a very large number of feral cats?

I wouldn't kid you about this. Actually, this story is pretty cool! I would have never know this, but even so, it really doesn't surprise me all that much. In a way it only makes sense. Being a place for that many tourist certainly would have a way of producing tons of food for the rodents. Keeping them under control could be a massive job, so keeping cats seems like a workable solution.

When the Mouse is Away...

Introduce a mouse into an area with a few dozen people sitting around, and you'd expect a few shrieks as the people run away or jump on tables. Similarly, if you were to introduce the same mouse to an open area where a dozen or so cats were lying in wait, you'd expect the felines to pounce at the first whiff of the potential prey. But if that mouse were a six-foot tall one named Mickey, and the area were Disneyland in Anaheim, California, all bets are off. In the first scenario, Mickey's presence means that the dozens of park visitors run toward him, hoping to get a hug or a picture with the anthropomorphized critter with red shorts.

And incredibly, Mickey Mouse and Disneyland have the same reversing effect on the second scenario, too. It turns out that Disneyland is home to a few hundred feral cats, who only come out at night, after the park is closed to visitors and all the performers are gone for the evening.

As the Los Angeles Times notes, no one knows when the cats started to "sneak in" -- "years ago," the paper surmises -- but they've become welcome guests. In 2010, the Times put together a fascinating article on how Disneyland prepares for the next day's guests. Each evening, hundreds of workers take to the streets of the theme park, cleaning and repairing it for the thousands of people expected to enter the following morning. Assisting these custodians is this sizable population of feral cats who help keep the rodent population down. (Mickey Mouse was unavailable for comment.) So instead of trying to eradicate these invasive, gate-crashing cats, the powers-that-be at Disneyland keep them happy. There are a total five permanent feeding stations for the cats at Disneyland and neighboring California Adventure Park, to make sure that the cats are healthy and not dangerous.

To keep the cat population from getting out of hand, workers spay and neuter adult cats and find off-park homes for kittens they come across. But for now, the managed cat population are welcome, albeit uninvited, guests to Disneyland.

Sounds to me like this is a win-win solution for all! Certainly better than just putting out poison or the like! Bet the cats don't mind either!

Let's have coffee in the kitchen this morning. It's a cool morning out on the patio!


  1. Good way to get ride of the little Mickeys! It is a balmy 57 here - maybe we will finally get some rain today. I'll bring some lemon pound cake to go with your delicious coffee!

  2. That is certainly a win-win situation. Especially since they practice population control by spaying and neutering the cats. The sun is finally out after a week of rain.

  3. Bubba -
    Definitely a good idea, and also maintains that Mickey will always be the top Mouse-in-Charge!
    Great story!
    Big hugs -

  4. I'm so happy that they spay and neuter the cats also. Plus a healthy diet to add to the mice.
    I wonder if I dress up like a cat I could sneak in too. Hmm on second thought I don't think so jail doesn't appeal to me.

    The temps read 55 but the wind makes it feel colder. So some nice hot coffee with the gang in the kitchen sounds great.

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    Guess Mickey doesn't mind his cousins playing catch me if you can with the cats!

    Neat solution for all concerned, I reckon!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I think it's great that the folks at the park treat the cats responsibly. Wish more folks would do that!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sis... I see that the cats are smart enough to stay hidden in the day time. No need to shake up the tourist, I reckon!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Probably not a good idea, although it couldn't hurt to try!

    I heard that the wind is headed this way. Not looking forward to that!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in!

  6. Smart way to keep controll of those rodents! The farms around here do much the same, every feral cat that finds its way to them are welcome because they don't want to use poison and traps are just too ineffective. The farm next door must have around ten feral cats at the moment :-)

    Have a great day!

  7. Hey Christer...
    Here in the states, we call those cats "barn cats", and they do serve a very useful service.

    With all the feed and such stored around a farm, a cat or two can be very helpful in keeping rodents and snakes away, at least partially!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  8. Lol...hope their cats do a better job than ours, but like the solution they came up with... sorry I got here ti late for the coffee n lemon cake mmm..
